4 vs 4 League
Moderators: Beer Hunter, Tembest, Entr0py
- Posts: 552
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
- Location: Finland
4 vs 4 League
4 vs 4 league will begin on 9 September 2012
The map is visible at ?go 4vs4 and ?go 4v4league1
The roster limit is 15 players. The league will use no eligibility time. However, full recruit lock will take effect on the last weekend of regular season
(Saturday 23:59 GMT). All players recruited after this time are not allowed to participate in the play-offs.
Registration for the league for squads and players can be done in ?go dsb using the bot.
If a player leaves or gets kicked from his squad during the league, he will not be allowed to join the squad again.
Regular season will consist of one full round. All teams will play each other once. The matches will be played on Sundays and no team will have to play two matches
on a weekend unless both teams approve of it.
Matches will be Best of 3 - The first team to win 2 rounds will be the winner of the match.
Each player will have 10 lives. If after (TIME?) the winner has not been decided, the team with less deaths will win the match.
Win = 3 points
Loss = 1 points
Forfeit loss = 0 points
The minimum number required to play a match is 3 players. In this case the other team will be allowed to field 4 players. If both teams show up with only 3 players
the match will be played 3 vs 3.
Ship limitations:
A team can only use 1 bomber and 1 emper at a time.
Four best teams of regular season (total points) will proceed to play-offs. 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd. Higher ranked team will get to choose the starting freq.
Play-Offs will be played with the same rules as regular season. Best of 3. Winner of matches 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd will proceed to the Final.
If after regular season two or more teams even points, the following method will be used to decide the higher ranking:
1. Winner of the match(es) played against each other
2. The team with less forfeit losses
3. The team with less rounds lost
4. Extra match(es) will be held to decide superiority.
This is not final in any way.
Everything written is subject to change until the beginning of the league.
The map is visible at ?go 4vs4 and ?go 4v4league1
The roster limit is 15 players. The league will use no eligibility time. However, full recruit lock will take effect on the last weekend of regular season
(Saturday 23:59 GMT). All players recruited after this time are not allowed to participate in the play-offs.
Registration for the league for squads and players can be done in ?go dsb using the bot.
If a player leaves or gets kicked from his squad during the league, he will not be allowed to join the squad again.
Regular season will consist of one full round. All teams will play each other once. The matches will be played on Sundays and no team will have to play two matches
on a weekend unless both teams approve of it.
Matches will be Best of 3 - The first team to win 2 rounds will be the winner of the match.
Each player will have 10 lives. If after (TIME?) the winner has not been decided, the team with less deaths will win the match.
Win = 3 points
Loss = 1 points
Forfeit loss = 0 points
The minimum number required to play a match is 3 players. In this case the other team will be allowed to field 4 players. If both teams show up with only 3 players
the match will be played 3 vs 3.
Ship limitations:
A team can only use 1 bomber and 1 emper at a time.
Four best teams of regular season (total points) will proceed to play-offs. 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd. Higher ranked team will get to choose the starting freq.
Play-Offs will be played with the same rules as regular season. Best of 3. Winner of matches 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd will proceed to the Final.
If after regular season two or more teams even points, the following method will be used to decide the higher ranking:
1. Winner of the match(es) played against each other
2. The team with less forfeit losses
3. The team with less rounds lost
4. Extra match(es) will be held to decide superiority.
This is not final in any way.
Everything written is subject to change until the beginning of the league.
Re: 4vs4 League
I would do 3vs4 because it can't be really called a 4vs4 league if it's 3vs3. Also, I remember the map as quite big for 3vs3.
I don't care which map we use due to the fact I've played like 3 matches of 4vs4 ever.
Is there an eligibility time? What about players swapping between squads? Perhaps there should be a rule that a player
cannot join the same squad he has already been part of during the same league. What about play-offs? Does recruit
lock take effect when play-offs begin?
What about points? Does it matter if you win in 2 or 3 rounds or lose in either way?
Play-offs Best of what? Final? Bronze game?
That's all for now I guess. I hope more will come to mind to avoid all bitching later on.
I don't care which map we use due to the fact I've played like 3 matches of 4vs4 ever.
Is there an eligibility time? What about players swapping between squads? Perhaps there should be a rule that a player
cannot join the same squad he has already been part of during the same league. What about play-offs? Does recruit
lock take effect when play-offs begin?
What about points? Does it matter if you win in 2 or 3 rounds or lose in either way?
Play-offs Best of what? Final? Bronze game?
That's all for now I guess. I hope more will come to mind to avoid all bitching later on.
Re: 4vs4 League
Keep the map
Keep the man down rule
Roster of 15 seems fine
Best of 3 seems good for regular season
Finals should be best of 3 of 3, meaning it will be played over more than one weekend, so that you play 1 game one sunday and then game 2 and if need be game 3 the following in my opinion
We need to know when recruit lock is - and the eligibility time
We need to know how many points you get for a victory, a forfiet loss a normal loss etc
Keep the man down rule
Roster of 15 seems fine
Best of 3 seems good for regular season
Finals should be best of 3 of 3, meaning it will be played over more than one weekend, so that you play 1 game one sunday and then game 2 and if need be game 3 the following in my opinion
We need to know when recruit lock is - and the eligibility time
We need to know how many points you get for a victory, a forfiet loss a normal loss etc
- Posts: 315
- Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:17 pm
Re: 4vs4 League
The map is and has always been a problem. Even if kemi loves this league and its map, there are clearly many others who do not. That can be seen by the number of forfeits we've had in previous leagues. What was it last time? 80% forfeits? It was getting ridiculous.
The map has to be changed for a number of reasons. Some of which I'll mention here:
1. Too big.
2. Too many huge objects for teams to run around. Flanking is not an option because they can just kill the flanker and keep running.
I'll have a go at making something this evening or tomorrow, but if you have any requests, put them here.
The map has to be changed for a number of reasons. Some of which I'll mention here:
1. Too big.
2. Too many huge objects for teams to run around. Flanking is not an option because they can just kill the flanker and keep running.
I'll have a go at making something this evening or tomorrow, but if you have any requests, put them here.
Please delete this account. I want nothing to do with this place any more.
- Posts: 315
- Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:17 pm
Re: 4vs4 League
Oh, it's a different map to the one I remember. I guess you changed it already. New one looks better. No need to change it.
Please delete this account. I want nothing to do with this place any more.
Re: 4vs4 League
How can you possibly think that the map had anything to do with the forfiets? 
a 4 vs 4 map needs to be huge in my opinion, and it needs to have a lot of different kinds of objects. In my opinion

a 4 vs 4 map needs to be huge in my opinion, and it needs to have a lot of different kinds of objects. In my opinion
- Posts: 552
- Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
- Location: Finland
Re: 4vs4 League
Eligiblity time? Definitely no.
Recruit lock - rosters will be locked after last weekend of regular season is over.
Scoring system can be discussed, perhaps we can adopt the tie loss from BABL and do the scoring like this:
Victory 3 points
Tie loss 1,5 points
Loss 1 points
Forfeit loss 0 points
Thoughts? Or is it better to just have a score for victory and no "tie losses".
For the finals, open for suggestions, bronze medal game has been kind of "pointless" in the past, do we want to try it again? The semi finals should be best of one game, unless somebody can think of better format which could be over in one weekend?
As for the forfeits in the past 4vs4 leagues, yes there were plenty of them. Basically, one reason for this was the fact that it was not main league played at that time, there was DSBL going on most of the times which made some players prioritize and skip 4vs4. I do believe we can do much better now that this will be the main thing going on for the next 7-8 weeks.
Recruit lock - rosters will be locked after last weekend of regular season is over.
Scoring system can be discussed, perhaps we can adopt the tie loss from BABL and do the scoring like this:
Victory 3 points
Tie loss 1,5 points
Loss 1 points
Forfeit loss 0 points
Thoughts? Or is it better to just have a score for victory and no "tie losses".
For the finals, open for suggestions, bronze medal game has been kind of "pointless" in the past, do we want to try it again? The semi finals should be best of one game, unless somebody can think of better format which could be over in one weekend?
As for the forfeits in the past 4vs4 leagues, yes there were plenty of them. Basically, one reason for this was the fact that it was not main league played at that time, there was DSBL going on most of the times which made some players prioritize and skip 4vs4. I do believe we can do much better now that this will be the main thing going on for the next 7-8 weeks.
Re: 4vs4 League
You will have to change this a little. Say full recruit lock takes effect after last round but players cannot changeBeer Hunter wrote:Recruit lock - rosters will be locked after last weekend of regular season is over.
squads let's say 1 minute prior to the first game of last weekend.
Otherwise you allow let's say 16GMT'rs who didn't make it to play-offs switch to a squad that will get to play-offs.
What about 0 points for 2-0 loss - 1 point for 2-1 loss. 3 points for 2-0 win - 2 points for 2-1 win?
This way you don't give out too many points. Babl scoring was a bit messed up because you could reward another
team on purpose the 0,5 extra point if you won 2-1.
- Posts: 315
- Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:17 pm
Re: 4vs4 League
so many reasons... The big map and the big objects allowed teams to just run around the objects. Basically, it was boring. It was one of the reasons I stopped playing it, so I can see why other people would stop for the same reasonkemi wrote:How can you possibly think that the map had anything to do with the forfiets?
a 4 vs 4 map needs to be huge in my opinion, and it needs to have a lot of different kinds of objects. In my opinion
Please delete this account. I want nothing to do with this place any more.
Re: 4vs4 League
Run? DSB 4 vs 4 you have 2,5 as manyt lives as all the real 4 vs 4 leagues. However the matches takes like maximum 15 minutes which is also like 1/4th of every real 4 vs 4 league. :/
Then again that is my opinion
Then again that is my opinion