I've hardly played subspace at all in the past year, and when I do show up for a game (which I try to do most Sundays) I'm usually benched to my annoyance. When I finally got to play, I was stuck in upper south where I was shit enough to warrant being benched next time (go figure).
The point is, I'm completely out of practice and, more often than not, it shows on those rare occasions when I play. Like most dsbers I have a degree of pride, so it pisses me off when I'm rubbish and losing to people I've hardly ever lost to before. The league match on Sunday was the last straw. I couldn't even remember how to play the sector. I suppose it didn't help being stuck in upper south (thanks?), but hell, even after that I couldn't be bothered to practice all through this week. The last time I played that bad, I pracced until I got better, but I clearly haven't got the time or dedication for it this time. So if there was a next time, I'd be shitter still, and it would just annoy me even more (sorry, I have an ego

The game needs to be fun but I'm coming away pissed off, so it's time to quit. I don't see it as a knee-jerk reaction... I've had 5 days to think on it and it's been coming for longer than that. Thanks to Bran Man, Snake_eye, Hece, and many others for some good times.