Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 25th

Moderators: Beer Hunter, Tembest, Entr0py

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
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Location: Finland

Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 25th

Post by Beer Hunter »

Hello DSBers!

Now that the summer is already moving smoothly forward, we're ready to begin our summer activities in DSB. The first one of these events is a 1 vs 1 Duel Tournament which will run on every Wednesday and Saturday, starting on Wednesday, June 25th. This tournament will be all ships, although if requested we can have one week of special ships such as only light fighters.

Scoring system will be same as last year, you get one point per week for showing up to both tournaments or 0,5 if you show up only on Wednesday or Saturday. The scoring system we used last year was kind of progressive one, meaning the longer you get in the tournament the more points you will gain. You will get 1 point for winning first round, 2 points for winning second round and 3 points from winning third round and so on. The more players, the longer you proceed in the tournament, more points you will get.

You will sign up to the tournament automaticly by showing up and you can show up to any tournament you wish - just make sure you show up before the tournament on that day starts!

Here's the schedule for the Duel Tournaments in more detail:

Saturday June 28th 20:00GMT / 4pm EST


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  Name:           |  Kills  |  Deaths  |  Damage Dealt  |  Duel Wins  |
  Sulla           |    0    |    5     |    0           |       0     |
  euro trash      |    4    |    1     |    0           |       2     |
  Eridu           |    4    |    3     |    5600        |       1     |
  Beer Hunter     |    0    |    3     |    0           |       0     |
  Most Kills (4): euro trash
  Least Deaths (1): euro trash
  Most Damage Done (5600): Eridu
  Winner: euro trash! --R2G2
Wednesday July 2nd 20:00GMT / 4pm EST

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  Name:           |  Kills  |  Deaths  |  Damage Dealt  |  Duel Wins  |
  Thugs           |    1    |    3     |    0           |       0     |
  mythrill mice    |    1    |    3     |    0           |       0     |
  Gentleman        |    6    |    1     |    5800        |       2     |
  Beer Hunter     |    3    |    6     |    0           |       1     |
  Most Kills (6): Gentleman
  Least Deaths (1): Gentleman
  Most Damage Done (5800): Gentleman
  Winner: Gentleman! --R2G2
Saturday July 5th 20:00GMT / 4pm EST

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Not played, not enough players.
Wednesday July 9th 20:00GMT / 4pm EST

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  Name:           |  Kills  |  Deaths  |  Damage Dealt  |  Duel Wins  |
  Beer Hunter     |    1    |    3     |    3430        |       0     |
  Gentleman       |    6    |    2     |    22000       |       2     |
  mythrill mice   |    1    |    3     |    10688       |       0     |
  racer           |    4    |    4     |    18046       |       1     |
  Most Kills (6): Gentleman
  Least Deaths (2): Gentleman
  Most Damage Done (22000): Gentleman
  Winner: Gentleman! --R2G2
Saturday July 12th 20:00GMT / 4pm EST

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Scores coming!
Wednesday July 16th 20:00GMT / 4pm EST

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Not played, not enough players.
Saturday July 19th 20:00GMT / 4pm EST

Code: Select all

Not played, not enough players.
Wednesday July 23th 20:00GMT / 4pm EST

Code: Select all

Name:           |  Kills  |  Deaths  |  Damage Dealt  |  Duel Wins  |
mythrill mice   |    4    |    5     |    12024       |       0     |
Beer Hunter     |    9    |    7     |    9318        |       2     |
Gentleman       |    12   |    9     |    50800       |       2     |
nokkonen        |    2    |    6     |    10521       |       0     |
Thugs           |    7    |    6     |    18203       |       1     |
Ahmad~          |    1    |    5     |    1670        |       0     |
Most Kills (12): Gentleman
Least Deaths (5): mythrill mice
Most Damage Done (50800): Gentleman
Winner: Beer Hunter! --R2G2
Remember to vote for DT next time if you enjoyed it! --R2G2
Saturday July 26th 20:00GMT / 4pm EST

Code: Select all

Name:           |  Kills  |  Deaths  |  Damage Dealt  |  Duel Wins  |
Beer Hunter     |    7    |    4     |    24317       |       2     |
Infinite~       |    3    |    4     |    18193       |       0     |
Eridu           |    4    |    6     |    10000       |       1     |
nokkonen        |    2    |    4     |    11857       |       0     |
Most Kills (7): Beer Hunter
Least Deaths (4): Beer Hunter
Most Damage Done (24317): Beer Hunter
Winner: Beer Hunter! --R2G2
Remember to vote for DT next time if you enjoyed it! --R2G2
Wednesday July 29th 20:00GMT / 4pm EST

After the games have been played the player who has most points wins the overall tournament. Obviously weekly winners of the tournaments will be mentioned on these forums for honor, glory and everything in between those.


euro trash 3,5
Gentleman 3,5
Beer Hunter 1,5
Eridu 1,5
Sulla 1
mythrill mice 0,5

Posts: 692
Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:12 am

Re: Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 26th

Post by Tembest »

For the first time in DSB history something was announced the day previous league ended! Good job!
Funny it took us almost 20 years to understand the importance of something like that. :)

Posts: 164
Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:33 pm

Re: Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 26th

Post by Matioso »

Sundays in case of bad show ups?

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
Location: Finland

Re: Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 26th

Post by Beer Hunter »

Sundays reserved for another league, elim league will be played every Sunday starting on July. More info about this once I'm back from spending winterish midsummer. I will monitor the show ups and see if they are very bad. In general, last summer we averaged 8 players per game and we played only on Wednesdays.

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
Location: Finland

Re: Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 25th

Post by Beer Hunter »

By the way, why nobody gave me a hint that Wednesday is 25th, not 26th? Edited now..

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
Location: Finland

Re: Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 25th

Post by Beer Hunter »

My alarm clock ran out of batteries so the alarm was off by 40 minutes, therefore the first game was not played. My apologies for this unfortunate event - we'll begin the Duel Tournament on Saturday June 28th.

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
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Location: Finland

Re: Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 25th

Post by Beer Hunter »

First DT was played, 4 players showed up and 5th just after it started. Not the best show up but we'll see. Scores in the first post.

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
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Location: Finland

Re: Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 25th

Post by Beer Hunter »

Second DT played, again 4 players but two different players at least. With any luck this will get better! Scores in the first post and standings coming soon.

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
Location: Finland

Re: Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 25th

Post by Beer Hunter »

Standings posted to the first post.. tough competition so far! :oops:

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
Location: Finland

Re: Summer Duel Tournament starts on June 25th

Post by Beer Hunter »

Third game was not played, only 2 participants, myself included.

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