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BABL Play-offs schedule for February 10th
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:24 am
by Beer Hunter
Hello DSB!
Here's the schedule for the BABL play-offs.
18:00 GMT/1pm EDT Crusaders vs Red Hawks
19:00 GMT/2pm EDT Everglaze vs Left0vers
Thanks to Vuohet for participating.
Re: BABL Play-offs schedule for February 10th
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:34 am
by Tembest
Standings for regular season please.
Re: BABL Play-offs schedule for February 10th
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:11 am
by Beer Hunter
BABL4 Final Standings:
1st Everglaze 22pts (7-1)
2nd Crusaders 22pts (7-1)
3rd Red Hawks 16.5pts (4-4(1))
4th Left0vers 12.5pts (2-6(1))
Vuohet 7.5pts (0-8(1))
(Wins (3 points) - Losses (1 point) - OT losses(1,5 points))
Re: BABL Play-offs schedule for February 10th
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:41 am
by Tembest
So, how did you decide the winner?
Because a while back we discussed the matter, but once again nothing was decided.
Now someone has just decided it based on some grounds no one knows that EG deserves to be #1.
What did they do? Do they have a bigger win margin? Do they have more 2-0 wins? Is their win margin against Cru bigger?
Everything would have been fine is somebody just told us the rules before the league. (This time it was even requested) but someone
has decided something afterwards and made it retroactive (again).
Don't get me wrong, we very much prefer playing Red Hawks over Leftovers. This stuff just pisses me off.
Re: BABL Play-offs schedule for February 10th
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:33 am
by Beer Hunter
Since it was tied we had to look closer and decide the winner by total win time difference as well as how many OT's were needed for victories. (Everglaze beat Crusaders RD 1 by 3:24 and RD 2 by 4:18, Crusaders beat Everglaze RD 1 by 1:42 and RD 2 by 2:27 + Crusaders needed OT on two occasions to win, while Everglaze did not need OT even once during their regular season).
I'm pretty certain these facts leave no question of who was better during the regular season.
PS. Temb, come online and help me & co think and create a rulebook to use. Feel free to help out
Re: BABL Play-offs schedule for February 10th
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:52 am
by Tembest
Beer Hunter wrote:PS. Temb, come online and help me & co think and create a rulebook to use. Feel free to help out
I was actually writing the rulebook for this babl but then you announced the league format and rules already before I got it finished
so I thought what the hell. Now I'm busy again, but let's hope I can squeeze some time for this.
But umm.. it's silly to claim "EG was better" when nobody knew you weren't allowed to win by overtime, or that the time margin
needed to be big. Anything would have been fine if it was announced before the league. I hope you understand my problem.
But as I said, I pointed this out only to fix this issue for next league. I do not care if we are 1st or 2nd and we prefer to play RH anyway.