Sector League scores

Moderators: Beer Hunter, Tembest, Entr0py

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Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
Location: Finland

Sector League scores

Post by Beer Hunter »

Hey there DSB!

To this thread I will add the score sheets from every game played in the Sector League.

Pre-Season Week 2, 13th October 2013:

18:00GMT / 2pm EST Roughriders vs Red Hawks

Code: Select all

 First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Beer Hunter         |F|   28|    25| 1.12| 11|  0|  0| 111| 102| 7.29| 0.00|  4200|  3750|  1730|  1.56|  2745|   5930| 20:00|
  |El Dedo             |F|   26|    18| 1.44| 11|  2|  0|  53|  42| 3.00| 0.00|  3900|  2700|  1730|  2.17|  1875|   5630| 20:00|
  |GKUA                |F|   23|    18| 1.28| 15|  0|  0|  42|  29| 2.07| 0.00|  3450|  2700|  1730|  2.11|  1260|   5180| 20:00|
  |Sulla               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Bran Man            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Freq 0             | 6|   77|    61| 1.26| 37|  2|  0| 206| 173|12.36| 0.25| 11550|  9150|  5190|  5.84|  5880|  16740| 60:00|
  |Viyolator           |F|   25|    24| 1.04|  6|  1|  0|  71|  45| 3.21| 0.00|  3750|  3600|  1070|  1.33|   690|   4820| 20:00|
  |PAAjehu             |F|   19|    21| 0.90|  8|  0|  0|  71|  49| 3.50| 0.00|  2850|  3150|  1070|  1.29|   675|   3920| 20:00|
  |Starpo              |F|   17|    32| 0.53|  7|  1|  0|  60|  13| 0.93| 0.00|  2550|  4800|  1070|  0.78| -2265|   3620| 20:00|
  |Freq 1             | 3|   61|    77| 0.79| 21|  2|  0| 202| 107| 7.64| 0.15|  9150| 11550|  3210|  3.40|  -900|  12360| 60:00|
  Most Kills (28):          Beer Hunter
  Most Deaths (32):         Starpo
  Most Assists (15):        GKUA
  Most Flag Touches (111):  Beer Hunter
  Most Bell Flags (102):    Beer Hunter
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Gurliver, Bran Man, GKUA, Sulla, Beer Hunter, El Dedo, Viyolator, PAAjehu, Starpo
  Most Battles (64):        Beer Hunter
  Best Ratio (1.44):        El Dedo
  Best Play Rating (2.17):  El Dedo
  Best Team Rating (2745):  Beer Hunter
  MVP (5930):               Beer Hunter
  Bell    Flag Averages Freq 0: 12.4, Freq 1: 7.6
  Overall Flag Averages Freq 0: 12.1, Freq 1: 7.3
  Score Freq 0: 16740 - Freq 1: 12360.  Freq 0 by 4380

 Second game statistics (SOUTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Bran Man            |U|   26|    21| 1.24|  7|  0|  0|  87|  47| 3.13| 9.09|  3900|  3150|  2220| 10.66|  1305|   6120| 20:00|
  |Krage               |U|   21|    15| 1.40|  7|  0|  0| 160| 137| 9.13| 2.74|  3150|  2250|  2220|  4.61|  4380|   5370| 20:00|
  |GKUA                |F|   20|    19| 1.05|  8|  7|  0|  80|  38| 2.53|10.86|  3000|  2850|  2220| 12.70|  1065|   5220| 20:00|
  |Snoops              |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 5|   67|    55| 1.22| 22|  7|  0| 327| 222|14.80| 0.30| 10050|  8250|  6660| 27.96|  6750|  16710| 60:00|
  |Viyolator           |U|   23|    24| 0.96|  1| 11|  0|  92|  36| 2.40| 4.60|  3450|  3600|  1380|  6.06|   435|   4830| 20:00|
  |PAAjehu             |U|   21|    22| 0.95|  8|  0|  0| 101|  55| 3.67| 4.11|  3150|  3300|  1380|  5.43|   915|   4530| 20:00|
  |Starpo              |U|   11|    21| 0.52|  4|  0|  0| 144|  47| 3.13| 1.05|  1650|  3150|  1380|  1.76|  -405|   3030| 19:44|
  |Roughriders        | 3|   55|    67| 0.82| 13| 11|  0| 337| 138| 9.20| 0.18|  8250| 10050|  4140| 13.25|   945|  12390| 59:44|
  Most Kills (26):          Bran Man
  Most Deaths (24):         Viyolator
  Most Assists (15):        GKUA
  Most Flag Touches (160):  Krage
  Most Bell Flags (137):    Krage
  Flag Efficiency (10.86):  GKUA
  Most Battles (59):        Viyolator
  Best Ratio (1.40):        Krage
  Best Play Rating (12.70): GKUA
  Best Team Rating (4380):  Krage
  MVP (6120):               Bran Man
  Bell    Flag Averages Red Hawks: 14.8, Roughriders: 9.2
  Overall Flag Averages Red Hawks: 12.9, Roughriders: 10.5
  Score Red Hawks: 16710 - Roughriders: 12390.  Red Hawks by 4320
19:00GMT / 3pm EST Everglaze vs Renegades

Code: Select all

First game statistics (SOUTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Matioso             |U|   27|    16| 1.69| 13|  0|  0| 140|  66| 4.40| 9.33|  4050|  2400|  2300| 11.83|  3000|   6350| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |U|   16|     1|16.00|  6|  0|  0| 145| 117| 7.80| 2.23|  2400|   150|  2300| 24.23|  5310|   4700| 20:00|
  |Victorious          |U|   14|     7| 2.00|  4|  2|  0|  42|  19| 2.11| 3.69|  2100|  1050|  1290|  6.55|  1260|   3390| 11:53|
  |cr4zypk3r           |E|    6|     7| 0.86|  4|  2|  0|  38|  28| 4.67|53.20|   900|  1050|  1010| 54.91|   690|   1910|  7:55|
  |LeClair             |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Quert               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Freq 1             | 7|   63|    31| 2.03| 27|  4|  0| 365| 230|15.33| 0.31|  9450|  4650|  6900| 97.53| 10260|  16350| 59:48|
  |Seyro               |U|   17|    21| 0.81|  4|  0|  0|  96|  27| 1.80| 2.88|  2550|  3150|  1140|  3.88|  -375|   3690| 20:00|
  |Snake_eye           |U|   10|    28| 0.36|  3|  2|  0| 108|  39| 2.60|11.70|  1500|  4200|  1140| 12.24| -1755|   2640| 20:00|
  |IceSword            |U|    4|    14| 0.29|  2|  0|  0| 145|  48| 3.20| 0.91|   600|  2100|  1140|  1.34|  -150|   1740| 20:00|
  |blue-               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Freq 0             | 4|   31|    63| 0.49|  9|  2|  0| 349| 114| 7.60| 0.15|  4650|  9450|  3420| 17.45| -2280|   8070| 60:00|
  Most Kills (27):          Matioso
  Most Deaths (28):         Snake_eye
  Most Assists (13):        Matioso
  Most Flag Touches (145):  IceSword, Infinite~
  Most Bell Flags (117):    Infinite~
  Flag Efficiency (53.20):  cr4zypk3r
  Most Battles (56):        Matioso
  Best Ratio (16.00):       Infinite~
  Best Play Rating (54.91): cr4zypk3r
  Best Team Rating (5310):  Infinite~
  MVP (6350):               Matioso
  Bell    Flag Averages Freq 0: 7.6, Freq 1: 15.3
  Overall Flag Averages Freq 0: 7.7, Freq 1: 15.9
  Score Freq 0: 8070 - Freq 1: 16350.  Freq 1 by 8280

Second game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |cr4zypk3r           |F|   28|    16| 1.75| 10|  0|  0|  69|  66| 4.40| 0.00|  4200|  2400|  1700|  2.38|  2970|   5900| 20:00|
  |Quert               |F|   22|    14| 1.57|  8|  0|  0|  49|  46| 3.07| 0.00|  3300|  2100|  1700|  2.14|  1950|   5000| 20:00|
  |Victorious          |F|   17|    13| 1.31|  6| 13|  0|  73|  58| 3.87| 0.00|  2550|  1950|  1700|  2.77|  2430|   4250| 20:00|
  |Everglaze          | 3|   67|    43| 1.56| 24| 13|  0| 191| 170|11.33| 0.23| 10050|  6450|  5100|  7.29|  7350|  15150| 60:00|
  |Snake_eye           |F|   18|    27| 0.67|  9|  3|  0|  46|  34| 2.27| 0.00|  2700|  4050|  1290|  1.11|  -600|   3990| 20:00|
  |Seyro               |F|   13|    20| 0.65|  5|  0|  0|  47|  26| 1.73| 0.00|  1950|  3000|  1290|  0.90|  -630|   3240| 20:00|
  |IceSword            |F|   12|    20| 0.60|  5|  0|  0| 108|  69| 4.60| 0.00|  1800|  3000|  1290|  0.85|   555|   3090| 20:00|
  |Renegades          | 3|   43|    67| 0.64| 19|  3|  0| 201| 129| 8.60| 0.17|  6450| 10050|  3870|  2.86|  -675|  10320| 60:00|
  Most Kills (28):          cr4zypk3r
  Most Deaths (27):         Snake_eye
  Most Assists (19):        Victorious
  Most Flag Touches (108):  IceSword
  Most Bell Flags (69):     IceSword
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Seyro, Snake_eye, IceSword, cr4zypk3r, Victorious, Quert
  Most Battles (57):        Snake_eye
  Best Ratio (1.75):        cr4zypk3r
  Best Play Rating (2.77):  Victorious
  Best Team Rating (2970):  cr4zypk3r
  MVP (5900):               cr4zypk3r
  Bell    Flag Averages Renegades: 8.6, Everglaze: 11.3
  Overall Flag Averages Renegades: 8.2, Everglaze: 11.3
  Score Renegades: 10320 - Everglaze: 15150.  Everglaze by 4830
20:00GMT / 4pm EST LEGO vs Left0vers

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First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Danzel              |F|   26|     8| 3.25| 14|  0|  0|  51| 121| 8.07| 0.00|  3900|  1200|  2440|  5.00|  5790|   6340| 20:00|
  |sounds              |F|   25|    15| 1.67| 13|  0|  0|  45|  60| 4.00| 0.00|  3750|  2250|  2440|  2.53|  2760|   6190| 20:00|
  |Pater               |F|   16|     5| 3.20|  3| 14|  1|  38|  63| 4.20| 0.00|  2400|   750|  2440|  6.60|  3585|   4840| 20:00|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   67|    28| 2.39| 30| 14|  1| 134| 244|16.27| 0.33| 10050|  4200|  7320| 14.13| 12135|  17370| 60:00|
  |nokkonen            |F|   11|    20| 0.55|  7|  0|  0|  58|  34| 2.27| 0.00|  1650|  3000|   540|  0.90|  -510|   2190| 20:00|
  |Sulla               |F|    9|    28| 0.32|  6|  0|  0|  26|   8| 0.53| 0.00|  1350|  4200|   540|  0.54| -2745|   1890| 20:00|
  |Lionheart           |F|    8|    19| 0.42|  6|  0|  0|  30|  12| 0.80| 0.00|  1200|  2850|   540|  0.74| -1380|   1740| 20:00|
  |LEGO               | 3|   28|    67| 0.42| 19|  0|  0| 114|  54| 3.60| 0.07|  4200| 10050|  1620|  2.17| -4635|   5820| 60:00|
  Most Kills (26):          Danzel
  Most Deaths (28):         Sulla
  Most Assists (17):        Pater
  Most TKs (1):             Pater
  Most Flag Touches (58):   nokkonen
  Most Bell Flags (121):    Danzel
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Pater, Danzel, sounds, Sulla, nokkonen, Lionheart
  Most Battles (53):        sounds
  Best Ratio (3.25):        Danzel
  Best Play Rating (6.60):  Pater
  Best Team Rating (5790):  Danzel
  MVP (6340):               Danzel
  Bell    Flag Averages Left0vers: 16.3, LEGO: 3.6
  Overall Flag Averages Left0vers: 14.9, LEGO: 4.5
  Score Left0vers: 17370 - LEGO: 5820.  Left0vers by 11550

Second game statistics (SOUTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |nokkonen            |F|   27|    16| 1.69|  9|  1|  0| 184|  81| 5.40|53.23|  4050|  2400|  2570| 55.54|  3315|   6620| 20:00|
  |Lionheart           |U|   19|    10| 1.90|  6|  0|  0|  97|  69| 4.60|10.46|  2850|  1500|  2570| 12.96|  2835|   5420| 20:00|
  |Sulla               |U|   13|     9| 1.44|  9|  0|  0| 137| 107| 7.13| 1.95|  1950|  1350|  2570|  4.40|  3630|   4520| 20:00|
  |LEGO               | 3|   59|    35| 1.69| 24|  1|  0| 418| 257|17.13| 0.34|  8850|  5250|  7710| 72.90|  9780|  16560| 60:00|
  |Danzel              |U|   19|    17| 1.12|  3|  0|  0|  93|  32| 2.13| 8.27|  2850|  2550|  1030|  9.56|   540|   3880| 20:00|
  |Fly Swatter         |U|   10|    15| 0.67|  2|  0|  0| 196|  54| 3.60| 1.42|  1500|  2250|  1030|  2.22|   510|   2530| 20:00|
  |Eridu               |U|    3|    12| 0.25|  2|  0|  0|  49|  12| 1.71| 3.50|   450|  1800|   570|  3.92| -1035|   1020|  9:23|
  |Jesster             |U|    3|    15| 0.20|  1|  0|  0|  30|   5| 0.63| 1.56|   450|  2250|   460|  1.83| -1740|    910| 10:18|
  |Frank Lucas         |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Left0vers          | 5|   35|    59| 0.59|  8|  0|  0| 368| 103| 6.87| 0.14|  5250|  8850|  3090| 17.53| -1725|   8340| 59:41|
  Most Kills (27):          nokkonen
  Most Deaths (17):         Danzel
  Most Assists (10):        nokkonen
  Most Flag Touches (196):  Fly Swatter
  Most Bell Flags (107):    Sulla
  Flag Efficiency (53.23):  nokkonen
  Most Battles (53):        nokkonen
  Best Ratio (1.90):        Lionheart
  Best Play Rating (55.54): nokkonen
  Best Team Rating (3630):  Sulla
  MVP (6620):               nokkonen
  Bell    Flag Averages LEGO: 17.1, Left0vers: 6.9
  Overall Flag Averages LEGO: 16.5, Left0vers: 7.0
  Score LEGO: 16560 - Left0vers: 8340.  LEGO by 8220
Regular Season Week 1, 20th October 2013:

18:00GMT / 2pm EST RoughRiders vs LEGO

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Forfeit victory for LEGO.
19:00GMT / 3pm EST Red Hawks vs Renegades

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First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Sever               |F|   25|    15| 1.67|  0|  0|  0|  56|  57| 4.07| 0.00|  3750|  2250|  1610|  1.67|  2085|   5360| 20:00|
  |Xale                |F|   23|    20| 1.15|  0|  0|  0|  80|  55| 3.93| 0.00|  3450|  3000|  1610|  1.15|  1065|   5060| 20:00|
  |Krage               |F|   20|    24| 0.83|  0|  0|  0|  62|  49| 3.50| 0.00|  3000|  3600|  1610|  0.83|   -30|   4610| 20:00|
  |Bran Man            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Snoops              |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Beer Hunter         |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 6|   68|    59| 1.15|  0|  0|  0| 198| 161|11.50| 0.23| 10200|  8850|  4830|  3.65|  3120|  15030| 60:00|
  |IceSword            |F|   26|    25| 1.04|  0|  0|  1|  83|  51| 3.64| 0.00|  3900|  3750|  1180|  1.04|   510|   5080| 20:00|
  |Seyro               |F|   18|    21| 0.86|  0|  0|  0|  67|  42| 3.00| 0.00|  2700|  3150|  1180|  0.86|     0|   3880| 20:00|
  |Moey G              |F|   15|    22| 0.68|  0|  0|  0|  50|  25| 1.79| 0.00|  2250|  3300|  1180|  0.68|  -975|   3430| 20:00|
  |rock'et             |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |ze pequeno          |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Renegades          | 5|   59|    68| 0.87|  0|  0|  1| 200| 118| 8.43| 0.17|  8850| 10200|  3540|  2.58|  -465|  12390| 60:00|
  Most Kills (26):          IceSword
  Most Deaths (25):         IceSword
  Most Assists (0):         Beer Hunter, Sever, Xale, Snoops, Krage, Bran Man, IceSword, Moey G, Seyro, ze pequeno, rock'et
  Most TKs (1):             IceSword
  Most Flag Touches (83):   IceSword
  Most Bell Flags (57):     Sever
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Beer Hunter, Sever, Xale, Snoops, Krage, Bran Man, IceSword, Moey G, Seyro, ze pequeno, rock'et
  Most Battles (51):        IceSword
  Best Ratio (1.67):        Sever
  Best Play Rating (1.67):  Sever
  Best Team Rating (2085):  Sever
  MVP (5360):               Sever
  Bell    Flag Averages Red Hawks: 11.5, Renegades: 8.4
  Overall Flag Averages Red Hawks: 11.1, Renegades: 8.2
  Score Red Hawks: 15030 - Renegades: 12390.  Red Hawks by 2640

Second game statistics (NORTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Seriel Killer       |F|   28|    15| 1.87|  6| 13|  0|  95|  79| 5.27| 0.00|  4200|  2250|  3700|  3.13|  4705|   7900| 20:00|
  |Bran Man            |F|   28|    20| 1.40| 11|  0|  0|  88|  88| 5.87| 0.00|  4200|  3000|  3700|  1.95|  3955|   7900| 20:00|
  |Beer Hunter         |N|   26|    13| 2.00|  8|  0|  0|  85|  95| 6.33| 7.92|  3900|  1950|  3700| 10.53|  4940|   7600| 20:00|
  |El Dedo             |N|   24|    12| 2.00|  9|  2|  0| 130| 108| 7.20| 7.55|  3600|  1800|  3700| 10.47|  5535|   7300| 20:00|
  |Snoops              |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Xale                |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Sever               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |BubblE              |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Krage               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Red Hawks          |10|  106|    60| 1.77| 34| 15|  0| 398| 370|24.67| 0.49| 15900|  9000| 14800| 26.08| 19135|  30700| 80:00|
  |rock'et             |N|   17|    29| 0.59|  2|  0|  0| 127|  44| 2.93|13.30|  2550|  4350|  1100| 13.96|  -715|   3650| 19:19|
  |Seyro               |F|   16|    23| 0.70|  1|  0|  0|  44|  13| 0.87| 0.00|  2400|  3450|  1100|  0.74| -1205|   3500| 20:00|
  |IceSword            |N|   14|    28| 0.50|  3|  0|  0| 122|  29| 1.93| 1.90|  2100|  4200|  1100|  2.51| -1435|   3200| 20:00|
  |Moey G              |F|   13|    26| 0.50|  1|  5|  0|  69|  24| 1.60| 0.00|  1950|  3900|  1100|  0.73| -1305|   3050| 20:00|
  |Renegades          | 4|   60|   106| 0.57|  7|  5|  0| 362| 110| 7.33| 0.15|  9000| 15900|  4400| 17.94| -4660|  13400| 79:19|
  Most Kills (28):          Bran Man, Seriel Killer
  Most Deaths (29):         rock'et
  Most Assists (19):        Seriel Killer
  Most Flag Touches (130):  El Dedo
  Most Bell Flags (108):    El Dedo
  Flag Efficiency (13.30):  rock'et
  Most Battles (62):        Seriel Killer
  Best Ratio (2.00):        El Dedo, Beer Hunter
  Best Play Rating (13.96): rock'et
  Best Team Rating (5535):  El Dedo
  MVP (7900):               Bran Man, Seriel Killer
  Bell    Flag Averages Renegades: 7.3, Red Hawks: 24.7
  Overall Flag Averages Renegades: 7.7, Red Hawks: 23.7
  Score Renegades: 13400 - Red Hawks: 30700.  Red Hawks by 17300
20:00GMT / 4pm EST Everglaze vs Left0vers

Code: Select all

First game statistics (NORTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kokuten             |F|   37|    22| 1.68|  0|  0|  0| 145| 124| 6.89| 0.00|  5550|  3300|  3360|  1.68|  5545|   8910| 25:00| 
  |kingkong10          |N|   34|    22| 1.55|  0|  0|  0| 128|  70| 3.89|62.22|  5100|  3300|  3360| 63.77|  3070|   8460| 25:00|
  |Danzel              |N|   23|    20| 1.15|  0|  0|  0| 100|  52| 2.89| 2.01|  3450|  3000|  3360|  3.16|  1495|   6810| 25:00|
  |Pater               |N|   14|    20| 0.70|  0|  0|  0| 184|  90| 5.00| 7.19|  2100|  3000|  3360|  7.89|  2070|   5460| 25:00|
  |Left0vers          | 4|  108|    84| 1.29|  0|  0|  0| 557| 336|18.67| 0.37| 16200| 12600| 13440| 76.49| 12180|  29640|100:00|
  |Infinite~           |N|   25|    16| 1.56|  2|  0|  0| 124|  66| 3.67| 4.94|  3750|  2400|  2380|  6.63|  2955|   6130| 25:00|
  |leclair             |N|   21|    23| 0.91|  0|  1|  0| 157|  79| 4.39| 3.25|  3150|  3450|  2380|  4.21|  1960|   5530| 25:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |N|   21|    34| 0.62|  6|  0|  0| 161|  59| 3.28|131.93|  3150|  5100|  2380|132.72|  -265|   5530| 25:00|
  |cr4zypk3r           |F|   17|    35| 0.49|  7|  5|  0| 109|  34| 1.89| 0.00|  2550|  5250|  2380|  0.83| -1565|   4930| 25:00|
  |Gentleman           |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Everglaze          | 5|   84|   108| 0.78| 15|  6|  0| 551| 238|13.22| 0.26| 12600| 16200|  9520|144.39|  3085|  22120|100:00|
  Most Kills (37):          kokuten
  Most Deaths (35):         cr4zypk3r
  Most Assists (12):        cr4zypk3r
  Most Flag Touches (184):  Pater
  Most Bell Flags (124):    kokuten
  Flag Efficiency (131.93): Pater Punishment
  Most Battles (64):        cr4zypk3r
  Best Ratio (1.68):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (132.72): Pater Punishment
  Best Team Rating (5545):  kokuten
  MVP (8910):               kokuten
  Bell    Flag Averages Left0vers: 18.7, Everglaze: 13.2
  Overall Flag Averages Left0vers: 18.9, Everglaze: 12.7
  Score Left0vers: 29640 - Everglaze: 22120.  Left0vers by 7520

Second game statistics (SOUTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kingkong10          |U|   26|    10| 2.60|  3| 17|  0|  98| 101| 6.73| 9.16|  3900|  1500|  2570| 13.76|  5160|   6470| 20:00|
  |kokuten             |F|   25|     9| 2.78| 14|  0|  0|  65|  57| 3.80| 5.37|  3750|  1350|  2570|  9.70|  3615|   6320| 20:00|
  |Pater               |U|   16|    11| 1.45|  7|  0|  0| 147|  99| 6.60| 1.77|  2400|  1650|  2570|  3.86|  3315|   4970| 20:00|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   67|    30| 2.23| 24| 17|  0| 310| 257|17.13| 0.34| 10050|  4500|  7710| 27.32| 12090|  17760| 60:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |U|   14|    13| 1.08|  3|  0|  0| 170|  78| 5.20| 1.52|  2100|  1950|  1030|  2.83|  1995|   3130| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |U|    7|    31| 0.23|  4|  0|  0|  23|   2| 0.13| 0.26|  1050|  4650|  1030|  0.61| -3675|   2080| 20:00|
  |leclair             |U|    6|     9| 0.67|  0|  0|  0|  34|  11| 1.83| 1.03|   900|  1350|   440|  1.69|  -390|   1340|  7:47|
  |cr4zypk3r           |U|    3|    14| 0.21|  3|  0|  0|  67|  12| 1.33|14.89|   450|  2100|   590| 15.32| -1290|   1040| 12:03|
  |Gentleman           |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Everglaze          | 5|   30|    67| 0.45| 10|  0|  0| 294| 103| 6.87| 0.14|  4500| 10050|  3090| 20.45| -3360|   7590| 59:50|
  Most Kills (26):          kingkong10
  Most Deaths (31):         Infinite~
  Most Assists (20):        kingkong10
  Most Flag Touches (170):  Pater Punishment
  Most Bell Flags (101):    kingkong10
  Flag Efficiency (14.89):  cr4zypk3r
  Most Battles (56):        kingkong10
  Best Ratio (2.78):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (15.32): cr4zypk3r
  Best Team Rating (5160):  kingkong10
  MVP (6470):               kingkong10
  Bell    Flag Averages Left0vers: 17.1, Everglaze: 6.9
  Overall Flag Averages Left0vers: 17.8, Everglaze: 5.8
  Score Left0vers: 17760 - Everglaze: 7590.  Left0vers by 10170
Regular Season Week 2, 27th October 2013:

18:00GMT / 2pm EST Red Hawks vs LEGO

Code: Select all

First game statistics (NORTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Bran Man            |N|   34|    20| 1.70|  9|  0|  0| 112|  75| 5.00|140.00|  5100|  3000|  2970|142.15|  3915|   8070| 20:00|
  |Seriel Killer       |N|   25|    21| 1.19| 11| 11|  0| 116|  82| 5.47|17.61|  3750|  3150|  2970| 19.85|  3675|   6720| 20:00|
  |El Dedo             |N|   19|    14| 1.36|  2|  0|  0| 114|  63| 4.85| 3.00|  2850|  2100|  2730|  4.50|  2505|   5580| 16:55|
  |Noobius             |N|   16|    14| 1.14|  5| 11|  0| 137|  77| 5.13| 7.64|  2400|  2100|  2970|  9.93|  3270|   5370| 20:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 4|   94|    69| 1.36| 27| 22|  0| 479| 297|19.80| 0.40| 14100| 10350| 11640|176.44| 13365|  25740| 76:55|
  |Sulla               |F|   21|    30| 0.70|  6|  0|  3|  88|  39| 2.60| 0.00|  3150|  4500|  1830|  0.90|  -465|   4980| 20:00|
  |menelaosSPARTA      |N|   18|    19| 0.95|  6|  0|  0| 155|  42| 2.80| 3.01|  2700|  2850|  1830|  4.28|   990|   4530| 20:00|
  |u n k o             |F|   17|    29| 0.59|  8|  1|  0| 110|  47| 3.13| 0.00|  2550|  4350|  1830|  0.90|  -280|   4380| 20:00|
  |Zimmel              |N|   13|    16| 0.81|  6|  1|  0| 138|  55| 3.67| 2.81|  1950|  2400|  1830|  4.06|  1480|   3780| 20:00|
  |LEGO               | 4|   69|    94| 0.73| 26|  2|  3| 491| 183|12.20| 0.24| 10350| 14100|  7320| 10.13|  1725|  17670| 80:00|
  Most Kills (34):          Bran Man
  Most Deaths (30):         Sulla
  Most Assists (22):        Seriel Killer
  Most TKs (3):             Sulla
  Most Flag Touches (155):  menelaosSPARTA
  Most Bell Flags (82):     Seriel Killer
  Flag Efficiency (140.00): Bran Man
  Most Battles (68):        Seriel Killer
  Best Ratio (1.70):        Bran Man
  Best Play Rating (142.15): Bran Man
  Best Team Rating (3915):  Bran Man
  MVP (8070):               Bran Man
  Bell    Flag Averages LEGO: 12.2, Red Hawks: 19.8
  Overall Flag Averages LEGO: 12.2, Red Hawks: 19.2
  Score LEGO: 17670 - Red Hawks: 25740.  Red Hawks by 8070

Second game statistics (EAST):
|                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
|Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
|Krage               |F|   26|    23| 1.13| 11|  2|  0|  82|  46| 3.29| 0.00|  3900|  3450|  1440|  1.70|  1245|   5340| 20:00|
|Beer Hunter         |F|   26|    22| 1.18| 12|  0|  0| 101|  66| 4.71| 0.00|  3900|  3300|  1440|  1.73|  1950|   5340| 20:00|
|Sever               |F|   22|    18| 1.22| 17|  0|  0|  49|  32| 2.29| 0.00|  3300|  2700|  1440|  2.17|  1335|   4740| 20:00|
|Bran Man            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|GKUA                |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Seriel Killer       |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Red Hawks          | 7|   74|    63| 1.17| 40|  2|  0| 232| 144|10.29| 0.21| 11100|  9450|  4320|  5.59|  4530|  15420| 60:00|
|Zimmel              |F|   26|    20| 1.30| 11|  0|  0|  53|  33| 2.36| 0.00|  3900|  3000|  1360|  1.85|  1215|   5260| 20:00|
|menelaosSPARTA      |F|   20|    28| 0.71| 11|  0|  0|  94|  34| 2.43| 0.00|  3000|  4200|  1360|  1.11|  -585|   4360| 20:00|
|u n k o             |F|   17|    26| 0.65| 13|  5|  0|  80|  69| 4.93| 0.00|  2550|  3900|  1360|  1.35|   765|   3910| 20:00|
|El Dedo             |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Sulla               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|LEGO               | 5|   63|    74| 0.85| 35|  5|  0| 227| 136| 9.71| 0.19|  9450| 11100|  4080|  4.30|  1395|  13530| 60:00|
Most Kills (26):          Beer Hunter, Krage, Zimmel
Most Deaths (28):         menelaosSPARTA
Most Assists (18):        u n k o
Most Flag Touches (101):  Beer Hunter
Most Bell Flags (69):     u n k o
Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Beer Hunter, Krage, Gurliver, Seriel Killer, GKUA, Sever, Bran Man, Sulla, Zimmel, menelaosSPARTA, El Dedo, u n k o
Most Battles (62):        Krage
Best Ratio (1.30):        Zimmel
Best Play Rating (2.17):  Sever
Best Team Rating (1950):  Beer Hunter
MVP (5340):               Beer Hunter, Krage
Bell    Flag Averages Red Hawks: 10.3, LEGO: 9.7
Overall Flag Averages Red Hawks: 9.4, LEGO: 10.0
Score Red Hawks: 15420 - LEGO: 13530.  Red Hawks by 1890
19:00GMT / 3pm EST Left0vers vs Renegades

Code: Select all

First game statistics (EAST):
|                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
|Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
|kokuten             |F|   43|     7| 6.14| 13|  0|  0|  53|  91| 6.50| 0.00|  6450|  1050|  2190|  8.00|  6780|   8640| 20:00|
|kingkong10          |F|   22|    14| 1.57| 11| 11|  0|  39|  58| 4.14| 0.00|  3300|  2100|  2190|  3.14|  2940|   5490| 20:00|
|Pater               |F|   18|     8| 2.25|  9| 20|  0|  41|  68| 5.23| 0.00|  2700|  1200|  2050|  5.88|  4095|   4750| 19:02|
|Left0vers           |F|    0|     1| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|   150|   140|  0.00|  -150|    140|  0:52|
|Left0vers          | 4|   83|    30| 2.77| 33| 31|  0| 133| 217|15.50| 0.31| 12450|  4500|  6570| 17.02| 13665|  19020| 59:54|
|Moey G              |F|   12|    24| 0.50|  2|  0|  0|  36|  22| 1.57| 0.00|  1800|  3600|   610|  0.58| -1590|   2410| 19:36|
|IceSword            |F|    7|    28| 0.25|  6|  0|  0|  65|  32| 2.46| 0.00|  1050|  4200|   610|  0.46| -2235|   1660| 19:05|
|rock'et             |F|    7|    21| 0.33|  2|  0|  0|  21|   6| 0.67| 0.00|  1050|  3150|   340|  0.43| -2145|   1390| 12:38|
|Seyro               |F|    4|    10| 0.40|  0|  0|  0|   6|   1| 0.20| 0.00|   600|  1500|   270|  0.40| -1050|    870|  7:31|
|Renegades          | 4|   30|    83| 0.36| 10|  0|  0| 128|  61| 4.36| 0.09|  4500| 12450|  1830|  1.88| -7020|   6330| 58:50|
Most Kills (43):          kokuten
Most Deaths (28):         IceSword
Most Assists (29):        Pater
Most Flag Touches (65):   IceSword
Most Bell Flags (91):     kokuten
Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Pater, kingkong10, kokuten, Left0vers, Seyro, Moey G, IceSword, rock'et
Most Battles (63):        kokuten
Best Ratio (6.14):        kokuten
Best Play Rating (8.00):  kokuten
Best Team Rating (6780):  kokuten
MVP (8640):               kokuten
Bell    Flag Averages Left0vers: 15.6, Renegades: 4.4
Overall Flag Averages Left0vers: 16.1, Renegades: 3.4
Score Left0vers: 19020 - Renegades: 6330.  Left0vers by 12690

Renegades gave up after the first game and forfeited the intented North game they were supposed to play. Therefore a forfeit victory of the second sector game to Left0vers.

20:00GMT / 4pm EST Everglaze vs Roughriders

Code: Select all

First game statistics (EAST):
|                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
|Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
|Infinite~           |F|   20|    12| 1.67|  7|  0|  0|  81|  81| 5.40| 0.00|  3000|  1800|  2040|  2.25|  3045|   5040| 20:00|
|Quert               |F|   16|     5| 3.20|  3|  0|  0|  28|  53| 7.57| 0.00|  2400|   750|  1100|  3.80|  2655|   3500|  9:23|
|Victorious          |F|    9|    13| 0.69|  9| 11|  0|  54|  47| 3.13| 0.00|  1350|  1950|  2040|  2.23|  1305|   3390| 20:00|
|azn_masta_Fighter   |F|   11|     9| 1.22|  1|  3|  0|  31|  20| 2.50| 0.00|  1650|  1350|   940|  1.67|   675|   2590| 10:37|
|Everglaze          | 4|   56|    39| 1.44| 20| 14|  0| 194| 201|13.40| 0.27|  8400|  5850|  6120|  9.95|  7680|  14520| 60:00|
|AlkyMaHolic         |F|   19|    24| 0.79|  6|  0|  0|  51|  22| 1.47| 0.00|  2850|  3600|   960|  1.04|  -675|   3810| 20:00|
|PAAjehu             |F|   15|    12| 1.25|  3|  0|  0|  83|  51| 3.40| 0.00|  2250|  1800|   960|  1.50|  1440|   3210| 20:00|
|gog                 |F|    5|    20| 0.25|  4|  0|  0|  67|  23| 1.53| 0.00|   750|  3000|   960|  0.45| -1605|   1710| 20:00|
|Roughriders        | 3|   39|    56| 0.70| 13|  0|  0| 201|  96| 6.40| 0.13|  5850|  8400|  2880|  2.99|  -840|   8730| 60:00|
Most Kills (20):          Infinite~
Most Deaths (24):         AlkyMaHolic
Most Assists (20):        Victorious
Most Flag Touches (83):   PAAjehu
Most Bell Flags (81):     Infinite~
Flag Efficiency (0.00):   azn_masta_Fighter, Infinite~, Victorious, Quert, AlkyMaHolic, gog, PAAjehu
Most Battles (49):        AlkyMaHolic
Best Ratio (3.20):        Quert
Best Play Rating (3.80):  Quert
Best Team Rating (3045):  Infinite~
MVP (5040):               Infinite~
Bell    Flag Averages Everglaze: 13.6, Roughriders: 6.4
Overall Flag Averages Everglaze: 13.1, Roughriders: 6.6
Score Everglaze: 14520 - Roughriders: 8730.  Everglaze by 5790

Second game statistics (WEST):
|                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
|Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
|Pater Punishment    |W|   31|    13| 2.38|  5|  0|  0| 113|  70| 4.67| 1.09|  4650|  1950|  2030|  3.85|  3630|   6680| 20:00|
|azn_masta_Fighter   |W|   18|    15| 1.20|  6|  3|  0| 146|  66| 4.40|13.38|  2700|  2250|  2030| 15.18|  2025|   4730| 20:00|
|Infinite~           |F|   16|    11| 1.45|  7|  3|  0| 144|  67| 4.47| 0.00|  2400|  1650|  2030|  2.36|  2490|   4430| 20:00|
|Everglaze          | 3|   65|    39| 1.67| 18|  6|  0| 403| 203|13.53| 0.27|  9750|  5850|  6090| 21.40|  8145|  15840| 60:00|
|AlkyMaHolic         |W|   16|    17| 0.94|  0|  0|  0| 218|  76| 5.07|16.74|  2400|  2550|  1570| 17.68|  1410|   3970| 20:00|
|PAAjehu             |W|   13|    16| 0.81|  1|  0|  0|  79|  41| 2.73| 1.09|  1950|  2400|  1570|  1.97|   240|   3520| 20:00|
|gog                 |W|   10|    32| 0.31|  5|  0|  0|  93|  40| 2.67| 0.92|  1500|  4800|  1570|  1.39| -2325|   3070| 20:00|
|Quert               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Roughriders        | 4|   39|    65| 0.60|  6|  0|  0| 390| 157|10.47| 0.21|  5850|  9750|  4710| 21.03|  -675|  10560| 60:00|
Most Kills (31):          Pater Punishment
Most Deaths (32):         gog
Most Assists (10):        Infinite~
Most Flag Touches (218):  AlkyMaHolic
Most Bell Flags (76):     AlkyMaHolic
Flag Efficiency (16.74):  AlkyMaHolic
Most Battles (49):        Pater Punishment
Best Ratio (2.38):        Pater Punishment
Best Play Rating (17.68): AlkyMaHolic
Best Team Rating (3630):  Pater Punishment
MVP (6680):               Pater Punishment
Bell    Flag Averages Everglaze: 13.5, Roughriders: 10.5
Overall Flag Averages Everglaze: 12.6, Roughriders: 11.0
Score Everglaze: 15840 - Roughriders: 10560.  Everglaze by 5280

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
Location: Finland

Re: Sector League scores

Post by Beer Hunter »

Regular Season Week 3, 3rd Novermber 2013:

18:00GMT / 1pm EST Everglaze vs LEGO

Code: Select all

First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Quert               |F|   28|    17| 1.65| 14|  0|  0|  64|  55| 3.93| 0.00|  4200|  2550|  1600|  2.47|  2670|   5800| 20:00|
  |Victorious          |F|   24|    14| 1.71| 16| 10|  0|  54|  42| 3.00| 0.00|  3600|  2100|  1600|  3.57|  2850|   5200| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |F|   23|    11| 2.09| 14|  5|  0|  63|  63| 4.50| 0.00|  3450|  1650|  1600|  3.82|  3510|   5050| 20:00|
  |Everglaze          | 3|   75|    42| 1.79| 44| 15|  0| 181| 160|11.43| 0.23| 11250|  6300|  4800|  9.86|  9030|  16050| 60:00|
  |menelaosSPARTA      |F|   15|    24| 0.63|  6|  0|  0|  71|  32| 2.29| 0.00|  2250|  3600|  1180|  0.88|  -795|   3430| 20:00|
  |Lionheart           |F|   15|    26| 0.58|  4|  0|  0|  28|  17| 1.21| 0.00|  2250|  3900|  1180|  0.73| -1635|   3430| 20:00|
  |mistercap           |F|   12|    25| 0.48|  0|  2|  0|  72|  69| 4.93| 0.00|  1800|  3750|  1180|  0.56|  -330|   2980| 20:00|
  |LEGO               | 3|   42|    75| 0.56| 10|  2|  0| 171| 118| 8.43| 0.17|  6300| 11250|  3540|  2.17| -2760|   9840| 60:00|
  Most Kills (28):          Quert
  Most Deaths (26):         Lionheart
  Most Assists (26):        Victorious
  Most Flag Touches (72):   mistercap
  Most Bell Flags (69):     mistercap
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Victorious, Infinite~, Quert, Lionheart, mistercap, menelaosSPARTA
  Most Battles (64):        Victorious
  Best Ratio (2.09):        Infinite~
  Best Play Rating (3.82):  Infinite~
  Best Team Rating (3510):  Infinite~
  MVP (5800):               Quert
  Bell    Flag Averages Everglaze: 11.4, LEGO: 8.4
  Overall Flag Averages Everglaze: 11.7, LEGO: 7.8
  Score Everglaze: 16050 - LEGO: 9840.  Everglaze by 6210

Second game statistics (WEST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Infinite~           |W|   25|    11| 2.27|  3|  3|  0| 102|  96| 6.40|27.20|  3750|  1650|  2770| 30.02|  4125|   6520| 20:00|
  |Matioso             |W|   13|    17| 0.76|  6|  0|  0| 186|  98| 6.53|25.32|  1950|  2550|  2770| 26.43|  2025|   4720| 20:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |W|   11|     8| 1.38|  1|  0|  0|  36|  26| 4.33| 0.87|  1650|  1200|  1130|  2.37|   780|   2780|  7:45|
  |Victorious          |W|    7|     6| 1.17|  6|  0|  0|  74|  53| 5.89| 1.40|  1050|   900|  1640|  3.56|  1815|   2690| 12:14|
  |Sulla               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |menelaosSPARTA      |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Everglaze          | 6|   56|    42| 1.33| 16|  3|  0| 398| 273|18.20| 0.36|  8400|  6300|  8310| 62.38|  8745|  16710| 59:59|
  |menelaosSPARTA      |W|   19|    21| 0.90|  7|  0|  0| 138|  37| 2.47| 1.45|  2850|  3150|   810|  2.69|   270|   3660| 20:00|
  |Lionheart           |W|   15|    27| 0.56|  6|  0|  0| 166|  38| 2.53| 1.43|  2250|  4050|   810|  2.21| -1065|   3060| 20:00|
  |Shining Star        |W|    8|     8| 1.00|  5|  0|  0|  80|   6| 0.40| 0.89|  1200|  1200|   810|  2.51|    45|   2010| 19:47|
  |Quert               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |LEGO               | 4|   42|    56| 0.75| 18|  0|  0| 384|  81| 5.40| 0.11|  6300|  8400|  2430|  7.41|  -750|   8730| 59:47|
  Most Kills (25):          Infinite~
  Most Deaths (27):         Lionheart
  Most Assists (7):         menelaosSPARTA
  Most Flag Touches (186):  Matioso
  Most Bell Flags (98):     Matioso
  Flag Efficiency (27.20):  Infinite~
  Most Battles (48):        Lionheart
  Best Ratio (2.27):        Infinite~
  Best Play Rating (30.02): Infinite~
  Best Team Rating (4125):  Infinite~
  MVP (6520):               Infinite~
  Bell    Flag Averages LEGO: 5.4, Everglaze: 18.5
  Overall Flag Averages LEGO: 8.0, Everglaze: 15.4
  Score LEGO: 8730 - Everglaze: 16710.  Everglaze by 7980
19:00GMT / 2pm EST Left0vers vs Red Hawks

Code: Select all

First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kokuten             |F|   35|    10| 3.50| 14|  0|  0| 153|  86| 5.73| 0.00|  5250|  1500|  1840|  4.90|  5385|   7090| 20:00|
  |kingkong10          |F|   24|    18| 1.33| 10| 10|  0|  94|  51| 3.40| 0.00|  3600|  2700|  1840|  2.44|  2250|   5440| 20:00|
  |Locke               |F|   16|    16| 1.00| 12|  8|  0|  50|  47| 3.13| 0.00|  2400|  2400|  1840|  2.25|  1590|   4240| 20:00|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   75|    44| 1.70| 36| 18|  0| 297| 184|12.27| 0.25| 11250|  6600|  5520|  9.59|  9225|  16770| 60:00|
  |Bran Man            |F|   19|    30| 0.63|  5|  0|  0|  75|  28| 1.87| 0.00|  2850|  4500|  1160|  0.80| -1440|   4010| 20:00|
  |Beer Hunter         |F|   13|    26| 0.50|  5|  0|  0| 125|  47| 3.13| 0.00|  1950|  3900|  1160|  0.69|  -900|   3110| 20:00|
  |Noobius             |F|   12|    19| 0.63|  7|  4|  0|  85|  41| 2.73| 0.00|  1800|  2850|  1160|  1.21|   135|   2960| 20:00|
  |Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Xale                |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Exar                |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 6|   44|    75| 0.59| 17|  4|  0| 285| 116| 7.73| 0.15|  6600| 11250|  3480|  2.70| -2205|  10080| 60:00|
  Most Kills (35):          kokuten
  Most Deaths (30):         Bran Man
  Most Assists (20):        Locke, kingkong10
  Most Flag Touches (153):  kokuten
  Most Bell Flags (86):     kokuten
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Exar, Xale, Gurliver, Beer Hunter, Bran Man, Noobius, Locke, kingkong10, kokuten
  Most Battles (62):        kingkong10
  Best Ratio (3.50):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (4.90):  kokuten
  Best Team Rating (5385):  kokuten
  MVP (7090):               kokuten
  Bell    Flag Averages Red Hawks: 7.7, Left0vers: 12.3
  Overall Flag Averages Red Hawks: 7.2, Left0vers: 12.3
  Score Red Hawks: 10080 - Left0vers: 16770.  Left0vers by 6690

Second game statistics (WEST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kokuten             |W|   30|    12| 2.50| 10|  0|  0| 191|  68| 4.86|22.09|  4500|  1800|  1890| 25.42|  3840|   6390| 20:00|
  |Locke               |W|   21|    14| 1.50|  3|  4|  0| 146|  63| 4.50| 4.38|  3150|  2100|  1890|  6.38|  2310|   5040| 20:00|
  |kingkong10          |W|   18|    13| 1.38|  5|  6|  0| 147|  58| 4.14| 1.81|  2700|  1950|  1890|  4.04|  2175|   4590| 20:00|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   69|    39| 1.77| 18| 10|  0| 484| 189|13.50| 0.27| 10350|  5850|  5670| 35.85|  8325|  16020| 60:00|
  |Noobius             |W|   15|    15| 1.00|  3|  0|  0| 209|  78| 5.57| 3.81|  2250|  2250|  1470|  5.01|  1800|   3720| 20:00|
  |El Dedo             |W|   13|    26| 0.50|  4|  1|  0| 113|  37| 2.64| 2.07|  1950|  3900|  1470|  2.77| -1200|   3420| 20:00|
  |Bran Man            |F|    9|    23| 0.39|  8|  0|  0| 141|  24| 2.18| 0.00|  1350|  3450|  1190|  0.74| -1425|   2540| 15:27|
  |Beer Hunter         |W|    2|     5| 0.40|  0|  0|  0|  33|   8| 2.67| 1.33|   300|   750|   280|  1.73|  -300|    580|  4:32|
  |Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Xale                |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 6|   39|    69| 0.57| 15|  1|  0| 496| 147|10.50| 0.21|  5850| 10350|  4410| 10.24| -1125|  10260| 59:59|
  Most Kills (30):          kokuten
  Most Deaths (26):         El Dedo
  Most Assists (11):        kingkong10
  Most Flag Touches (209):  Noobius
  Most Bell Flags (78):     Noobius
  Flag Efficiency (22.09):  kokuten
  Most Battles (52):        kokuten
  Best Ratio (2.50):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (25.42): kokuten
  Best Team Rating (3840):  kokuten
  MVP (6390):               kokuten
  Bell    Flag Averages Left0vers: 13.5, Red Hawks: 10.5
  Overall Flag Averages Left0vers: 13.7, Red Hawks: 9.8
  Score Left0vers: 16020 - Red Hawks: 10260.  Left0vers by 5760
20:00GMT / 3pm EST Renegades vs RoughRiders

Code: Select all

Forfeit victory for Roughriders
Regular Season Week 4, 10th November 2013:

18:00GMT / 1pm EST Everglaze vs Red Hawks

Code: Select all

Forfeit victory to Red Hawks.
19:00GMT / 2pm EST Left0vers vs RoughRiders

Code: Select all

Forfeit victory to Left0vers.
20:00GMT / 3pm EST Renegades vs LEGO

Code: Select all

First game statistics (WEST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |menelaosSPARTA      |W|   26|    13| 2.00| 14|  0|  0| 134|  81| 5.79| 4.31|  3900|  1950|  1960|  7.38|  3840|   5860| 20:00|
  |Zimmel              |W|   22|     6| 3.67| 11|  0|  0| 175|  93| 6.64| 4.31|  3300|   900|  1960|  9.81|  4695|   5260| 20:00|
  |Shining Star        |W|   16|     9| 1.78| 16|  0|  0|  66|  22| 1.57| 2.88|  2400|  1350|  1960|  6.44|  1710|   4360| 20:00|
  |LEGO               | 3|   64|    28| 2.29| 41|  0|  0| 375| 196|14.00| 0.28|  9600|  4200|  5880| 23.63| 10245|  15480| 60:00|
  |Seyro               |W|   12|    18| 0.67|  2|  0|  0|  30|   8| 0.57| 0.57|  1800|  2700|  1320|  1.35| -1110|   3120| 20:00|
  |IceSword            |W|    9|    23| 0.39|  1|  0|  0| 146|  39| 2.79| 3.57|  1350|  3450|  1320|  4.00| -1290|   2670| 19:39|
  |Frozzy              |W|    7|    23| 0.30|  2|  0|  0| 183|  85| 6.07| 3.19|  1050|  3450|  1320|  3.58|   -75|   2370| 20:00|
  |Renegades          | 3|   28|    64| 0.44|  5|  0|  0| 359| 132| 9.43| 0.19|  4200|  9600|  3960|  8.94| -2475|   8160| 59:39|
  Most Kills (26):          menelaosSPARTA
  Most Deaths (23):         IceSword, Frozzy
  Most Assists (16):        Shining Star
  Most Flag Touches (183):  Frozzy
  Most Bell Flags (93):     Zimmel
  Flag Efficiency (4.31):   menelaosSPARTA
  Most Battles (53):        menelaosSPARTA
  Best Ratio (3.67):        Zimmel
  Best Play Rating (9.81):  Zimmel
  Best Team Rating (4695):  Zimmel
  MVP (5860):               menelaosSPARTA
  Bell    Flag Averages LEGO: 14.0, Renegades: 9.4
  Overall Flag Averages LEGO: 16.7, Renegades: 6.3
  Score LEGO: 15480 - Renegades: 8160.  LEGO by 7320

Second game forfeit victory to LEGO.
Regular Season Week 5, 17th November 2013:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST LEGO vs Red Hawks

Code: Select all

First game statistics (WEST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Seriel Killer       |W|   29|    13| 2.23|  5|  1|  0| 155|  86| 6.14| 2.89|  4350|  1950|  1800|  5.58|  3945|   6150| 20:00|
  |Xale                |W|   12|    22| 0.55|  6|  0|  0| 127|  25| 1.79|37.80|  1800|  3300|  1800| 38.62| -1020|   3600| 20:00|
  |Beer Hunter         |W|   11|    17| 0.65|  5|  1|  0| 168|  69| 4.93| 4.18|  1650|  2550|  1800|  5.18|   945|   3450| 20:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 3|   52|    52| 1.00| 16|  2|  0| 450| 180|12.86| 0.26|  7800|  7800|  5400| 49.38|  3870|  13200| 60:00|
  |nokkonen            |W|   24|    17| 1.41|  6|  0|  0| 215|  71| 5.07| 3.13|  3600|  2550|  1560|  4.90|  2370|   5160| 20:00|
  |menelaosSPARTA      |W|   17|    22| 0.77|  6|  0|  0| 119|  46| 3.29| 3.26|  2550|  3300|  1560|  4.30|   135|   4110| 20:00|
  |Sulla               |W|   11|    13| 0.85|  6|  4|  0| 112|  39| 2.79| 6.50|  1650|  1950|  1560|  8.12|   825|   3210| 20:00|
  |LEGO               | 3|   52|    52| 1.00| 18|  4|  0| 446| 156|11.14| 0.22|  7800|  7800|  4680| 17.32|  3330|  12480| 60:00|
  Most Kills (29):          Seriel Killer
  Most Deaths (22):         menelaosSPARTA, Xale
  Most Assists (10):        Sulla
  Most Flag Touches (215):  nokkonen
  Most Bell Flags (86):     Seriel Killer
  Flag Efficiency (37.80):  Xale
  Most Battles (48):        Seriel Killer
  Best Ratio (2.23):        Seriel Killer
  Best Play Rating (38.62): Xale
  Best Team Rating (3945):  Seriel Killer
  MVP (6150):               Seriel Killer
  Bell    Flag Averages LEGO: 11.1, Red Hawks: 12.9
  Overall Flag Averages LEGO: 12.3, Red Hawks: 11.2
  Score LEGO: 12480 - Red Hawks: 13200.  Red Hawks by 720

Second game statistics (SOUTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Bran Man            |F|   28|    21| 1.33| 12|  0|  0|  93|  57| 4.07| 0.00|  4200|  3150|  2320|  1.90|  2040|   6520| 20:00|
  |GKUA                |U|   27|    12| 2.25| 11|  0|  0| 100|  66| 4.71|26.19|  4050|  1800|  2320| 29.36|  3510|   6370| 20:00|
  |Krage               |U|   17|    18| 0.94|  4|  0|  0| 181| 109| 7.79| 2.26|  2550|  2700|  2320|  3.42|  2535|   4870| 20:00|
  |Xale                |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 5|   72|    51| 1.41| 27|  0|  0| 374| 232|16.57| 0.33| 10800|  7650|  6960| 34.68|  8085|  17760| 60:00|
  |nokkonen            |F|   24|    30| 0.80|  3|  0|  0| 138|  36| 2.57| 9.51|  3600|  4500|  1040| 10.41|  -765|   4640| 20:00|
  |mistercap           |U|   16|    22| 0.73|  1|  6|  0|  52|  15| 1.07| 3.10|  2400|  3300|  1040|  4.14|  -855|   3440| 20:00|
  |menelaosSPARTA      |U|   11|    20| 0.55|  2|  0|  0| 176|  53| 3.79| 1.15|  1650|  3000|  1040|  1.80|  -165|   2690| 20:00|
  |LEGO               | 3|   51|    72| 0.71|  6|  6|  0| 366| 104| 7.43| 0.15|  7650| 10800|  3120| 16.34| -1785|  10770| 60:00|
  Most Kills (28):          Bran Man
  Most Deaths (30):         nokkonen
  Most Assists (12):        Bran Man
  Most Flag Touches (181):  Krage
  Most Bell Flags (109):    Krage
  Flag Efficiency (26.19):  GKUA
  Most Battles (61):        Bran Man
  Best Ratio (2.25):        GKUA
  Best Play Rating (29.36): GKUA
  Best Team Rating (3510):  GKUA
  MVP (6520):               Bran Man
  Bell    Flag Averages Red Hawks: 16.6, LEGO: 7.4
  Overall Flag Averages Red Hawks: 12.2, LEGO: 11.4
  Score Red Hawks: 17760 - LEGO: 10770.  Red Hawks by 6990
20:00GMT / 3pm EST Left0vers vs Everglaze

Code: Select all

First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kingkong10          |F|   31|    14| 2.21|  7| 16|  0|  33|  52| 3.71| 0.00|  4650|  2100|  2120|  3.86|  3750|   6770| 20:00|
  |Locke               |F|   29|    16| 1.81| 15|  0|  0|  51|  79| 5.64| 0.00|  4350|  2400|  2120|  2.75|  3690|   6470| 20:00|
  |kokuten             |F|   28|    10| 2.80| 23|  0|  0|  65|  81| 5.79| 0.00|  4200|  1500|  2120|  5.10|  4905|   6320| 20:00|
  |Danzel              |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Jesster             |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Left0vers          | 5|   88|    40| 2.20| 45| 16|  0| 149| 212|15.14| 0.30| 13200|  6000|  6360| 11.71| 12345|  19560| 60:00|
  |Infinite~           |F|   15|    26| 0.58|  7|  0|  0|  50|  14| 1.00| 0.00|  2250|  3900|   680|  0.85| -1590|   2930| 20:00|
  |LeClair             |F|   12|    28| 0.43|  9|  0|  0|  43|  29| 2.07| 0.00|  1800|  4200|   680|  0.75| -1665|   2480| 20:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |F|    8|    21| 0.38|  6|  0|  0|  41|  24| 2.40| 0.00|  1200|  3150|   510|  0.67| -1320|   1710| 13:36|
  |Gentleman           |F|    5|    13| 0.38|  2|  0|  0|  13|   1| 0.25| 0.00|   750|  1950|   170|  0.54| -1305|    920|  6:21|
  |feenix              |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Everglaze          | 5|   40|    88| 0.45| 24|  0|  0| 147|  68| 4.86| 0.10|  6000| 13200|  2040|  2.80| -5880|   8040| 59:57|
  Most Kills (31):          kingkong10
  Most Deaths (28):         LeClair
  Most Assists (23):        kokuten, kingkong10
  Most Flag Touches (65):   kokuten
  Most Bell Flags (81):     kokuten
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Pater Punishment, feenix, Gentleman, Infinite~, LeClair, Locke, kokuten, Jesster, Danzel, kingkong10
  Most Battles (68):        kingkong10
  Best Ratio (2.80):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (5.10):  kokuten
  Best Team Rating (4905):  kokuten
  MVP (6770):               kingkong10
  Bell    Flag Averages Everglaze: 4.9, Left0vers: 15.1
  Overall Flag Averages Everglaze: 4.6, Left0vers: 14.6
  Score Everglaze: 8040 - Left0vers: 19560.  Left0vers by 11520

Second game statistics (WEST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kokuten             |F|   22|    13| 1.69|  5|  0|  0| 169|  69| 4.60| 0.00|  3300|  1950|  1980|  2.08|  2655|   5280| 20:00|
  |kingkong10          |W|   19|    12| 1.58|  2|  2|  0| 130| 100| 6.67| 1.93|  2850|  1800|  1980|  3.84|  3375|   4830| 20:00|
  |Locke               |W|    9|    16| 0.56|  8|  0|  0| 108|  29| 1.93|17.40|  1350|  2400|  1980| 18.46|  -225|   3330| 20:00|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   50|    41| 1.22| 15|  2|  0| 407| 198|13.20| 0.26|  7500|  6150|  5940| 24.38|  5805|  13440| 60:00|
  |Infinite~           |F|   18|    12| 1.50|  1|  2|  0| 103|  34| 2.27| 0.00|  2700|  1800|  1620|  1.75|  1245|   4320| 20:00|
  |Matioso             |W|   12|    20| 0.60|  5|  0|  0| 205|  52| 3.47|29.61|  1800|  3000|  1620| 30.46|    45|   3420| 20:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |W|   11|    18| 0.61|  4|  0|  0| 115|  76| 5.07| 1.41|  1650|  2700|  1620|  2.24|   915|   3270| 20:00|
  |Gentleman           |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Everglaze          | 4|   41|    50| 0.82| 10|  2|  0| 423| 162|10.80| 0.22|  6150|  7500|  4860| 34.45|  2205|  11010| 60:00|
  Most Kills (22):          kokuten
  Most Deaths (20):         Matioso
  Most Assists (8):         Locke
  Most Flag Touches (205):  Matioso
  Most Bell Flags (100):    kingkong10
  Flag Efficiency (29.61):  Matioso
  Most Battles (40):        kokuten
  Best Ratio (1.69):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (30.46): Matioso
  Best Team Rating (3375):  kingkong10
  MVP (5280):               kokuten
  Bell    Flag Averages Left0vers: 13.2, Everglaze: 10.8
  Overall Flag Averages Left0vers: 13.2, Everglaze: 10.4
  Score Left0vers: 13440 - Everglaze: 11010.  Left0vers by 2430
Regular Season Week 6, 24th November 2013:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST RoughRiders vs Red Hawks

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Forfeit victory to Red Hawks
20:00GMT / 3pm EST Left0vers vs LEGO

Code: Select all

First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kokuten             |F|   42|    14| 3.00| 11|  0|  0|  79|  73| 5.21| 0.00|  6300|  2100|  1790|  3.79|  4995|   8090| 20:00|
  |kingkong10          |F|   19|    13| 1.46| 11| 12|  0|  66|  72| 5.14| 0.00|  2850|  1950|  1790|  3.23|  3240|   4640| 20:00|
  |Locke               |F|   19|     9| 2.11|  9|  3|  0|  39|  29| 2.23| 0.00|  2850|  1350|  1590|  3.44|  2055|   4440| 17:45|
  |Danzel              |F|    1|     1| 1.00|  0|  1|  0|   5|   5| 5.00| 0.00|   150|   150|   200|  2.00|   150|    350|  1:56|
  |Left0vers          | 4|   81|    37| 2.19| 31| 16|  0| 189| 179|12.79| 0.26| 12150|  5550|  5370| 12.46| 10440|  17520| 59:41|
  |Zimmel              |F|   18|    18| 1.00|  2|  0|  0|  64|  43| 3.07| 0.00|  2700|  2700|  1010|  1.11|   570|   3710| 20:00|
  |menelaosSPARTA      |F|   11|    33| 0.33|  5|  0|  0|  56|  21| 1.50| 0.00|  1650|  4950|  1010|  0.48| -2940|   2660| 20:00|
  |the_snake           |F|    8|    30| 0.27|  5|  1|  0|  57|  37| 2.64| 0.00|  1200|  4500|  1010|  0.47| -2280|   2210| 20:00|
  |emachine            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |LEGO               | 4|   37|    81| 0.46| 12|  1|  0| 177| 101| 7.21| 0.14|  5550| 12150|  3030|  2.06| -4650|   8580| 60:00|
  Most Kills (42):          kokuten
  Most Deaths (33):         menelaosSPARTA
  Most Assists (23):        kingkong10
  Most Flag Touches (79):   kokuten
  Most Bell Flags (73):     kokuten
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   menelaosSPARTA, the_snake, Zimmel, emachine, Locke, kingkong10, kokuten, Danzel
  Most Battles (67):        kokuten
  Best Ratio (3.00):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (3.79):  kokuten
  Best Team Rating (4995):  kokuten
  MVP (8090):               kokuten
  Bell    Flag Averages LEGO: 7.2, Left0vers: 12.8
  Overall Flag Averages LEGO: 6.5, Left0vers: 12.8
  Score LEGO: 8580 - Left0vers: 17520.  Left0vers by 8940

Second game statistics (WEST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kingkong10          |W|   25|    12| 2.08|  0|  3|  0| 217| 137| 9.13| 8.69|  3750|  1800|  1960| 11.03|  3700|   5710| 20:00|
  |sounds              |W|   17|    19| 0.89|  3|  3|  0| 121|  59| 3.93| 3.31|  2550|  2850|  1960|  4.52|   385|   4510| 20:00|
  |Locke               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   42|    31| 1.35|  3|  6|  0| 338| 196|13.07| 0.26|  6300|  4650|  3920| 15.54|  4085|  10220| 40:00|
  |menelaosSPARTA      |W|   20|    22| 0.91|  5|  0|  0| 143|  78| 5.20| 4.13|  3000|  3300|  1560|  5.27|   585|   4560| 20:00|
  |Zimmel              |W|   11|    20| 0.55|  7|  0|  0| 189|  78| 5.20| 4.55|  1650|  3000|  1560|  5.45|    30|   3210| 20:00|
  |LEGO               | 2|   31|    42| 0.74| 12|  0|  0| 332| 156|10.40| 0.21|  4650|  6300|  3120| 10.72|   615|   7770| 40:00|
  Most Kills (25):          kingkong10
  Most Deaths (22):         menelaosSPARTA
  Most Assists (7):         Zimmel
  Most Flag Touches (217):  kingkong10
  Most Bell Flags (137):    kingkong10
  Flag Efficiency (8.69):   kingkong10
  Most Battles (47):        menelaosSPARTA
  Best Ratio (2.08):        kingkong10
  Best Play Rating (11.03): kingkong10
  Best Team Rating (3700):  kingkong10
  MVP (5710):               kingkong10
  Bell    Flag Averages LEGO: 10.4, Left0vers: 13.1
  Overall Flag Averages LEGO: 10.4, Left0vers: 13.0
  Score LEGO: 7770 - Left0vers: 10220.  Left0vers by 2450

Regular Season Week 7, 1st December 2013:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST Everglaze vs LEGO

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Forfeit victory to Everglaze.
20:00GMT / 3pm EST Left0vers vs RoughRiders

Code: Select all

Forfeit victory to Left0vers.
Regular Season Week 8, 8th December 2013:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST Everglaze vs RoughRiders

Code: Select all

Forfeit victory to Everglaze.
20:00GMT / 3pm EST Left0vers vs Red Hawks

Code: Select all

First game statistics (SOUTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kingkong10          |F|   26|    16| 1.63|  2|  5|  0|  80|  37| 2.64| 5.29|  3900|  2400|  1900|  7.35|  1755|   5800| 20:00|
  |kokuten             |U|   19|    17| 1.12|  4|  0|  0| 224|  94| 6.71| 1.83|  2850|  2550|  1900|  3.19|  2445|   4750| 20:00|
  |Eridu               |U|    8|    19| 0.42|  7|  0|  0| 117|  59| 4.21| 4.68|  1200|  2850|  1900|  5.47|    75|   3100| 20:00|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   53|    52| 1.02| 13|  5|  0| 421| 190|13.57| 0.27|  7950|  7800|  5700| 16.01|  4275|  13650| 60:00|
  |Seriel Killer       |U|   22|    16| 1.38| 13|  0|  0| 129|  44| 3.14| 2.34|  3300|  2400|  1460|  4.53|  1815|   4760| 20:00|
  |Krage               |U|   14|    19| 0.74|  6|  0|  0| 190|  57| 4.07| 1.04|  2100|  2850|  1460|  2.09|   600|   3560| 20:00|
  |Exar                |U|   10|    12| 0.83|  0|  7|  0|  58|  31| 3.44|33.30|  1500|  1800|  1040| 34.71|   495|   2540| 12:52|
  |GKUA                |U|    6|     6| 1.00|  4|  0|  0|  33|  14| 2.80|15.40|   900|   900|   420| 17.07|   330|   1320|  6:34|
  |Red Hawks          | 4|   52|    53| 0.98| 23|  7|  0| 410| 146|10.43| 0.21|  7800|  7950|  4380| 58.40|  3240|  12180| 59:26|
  Most Kills (26):          kingkong10
  Most Deaths (19):         Eridu, Krage
  Most Assists (13):        Seriel Killer
  Most Flag Touches (224):  kokuten
  Most Bell Flags (94):     kokuten
  Flag Efficiency (33.30):  Exar
  Most Battles (51):        Seriel Killer
  Best Ratio (1.63):        kingkong10
  Best Play Rating (34.71): Exar
  Best Team Rating (2445):  kokuten
  MVP (5800):               kingkong10
  Bell    Flag Averages Left0vers: 13.6, Red Hawks: 10.4
  Overall Flag Averages Left0vers: 12.9, Red Hawks: 10.6
  Score Left0vers: 13650 - Red Hawks: 12180.  Left0vers by 1470

North was supposed to be played next but Left0vers had only three players, therefore forfeiting the game.
Regular Season Week 9, 15th December 2013:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST LEGO vs Left0vers

Code: Select all

Forfeit victory to Left0vers.
20:00GMT / 3pm EST Red Hawks vs RoughRiders

Code: Select all

Forfeit victory to Red Hawks.
Regular Season Week 10, 22nd December 2013:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST Everglaze vs Red Hawks

Code: Select all

First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Krage               |F|   24|    18| 1.33|  7|  4|  0|  56|  31| 2.07| 0.00|  3600|  2700|  1460|  1.94|  1245|   5060| 19:44|
  |Beer Hunter         |F|   13|    18| 0.72| 13|  0|  0|  97|  63| 4.20| 0.00|  1950|  2700|  1460|  1.44|  1140|   3410| 20:00|
  |JURASSIC            |F|   16|     9| 1.78|  8|  0|  0|  45|  27| 3.86| 0.00|  2400|  1350|   920|  2.67|  1500|   3320| 10:26|
  |Bran Man            |F|   10|     6| 1.67|  2|  0|  0|  26|  16| 3.20| 0.00|  1500|   900|   290|  2.00|   840|   1790|  6:20|
  |Exar                |F|    0|     3| 0.00|  2|  0|  0|  15|   5| 1.67| 0.00|     0|   450|   250|  0.67|  -210|    250|  3:14|
  |Red Hawks          | 5|   63|    54| 1.17| 32|  4|  0| 239| 142| 9.47| 0.19|  9450|  8100|  4380|  8.72|  4515|  13830| 59:44|
  |Victorious          |F|   24|    20| 1.20|  4|  0|  0|  70|  33| 2.20| 0.00|  3600|  3000|  1490|  1.40|   690|   5090| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |F|   19|    18| 1.06|  4|  5|  0|  96|  63| 4.20| 0.00|  2850|  2700|  1490|  1.56|  1590|   4340| 20:00|
  |LeClair             |F|   11|    25| 0.44| 15|  1|  0|  90|  53| 3.53| 0.00|  1650|  3750|  1490|  1.08|  -285|   3140| 20:00|
  |Everglaze          | 3|   54|    63| 0.86| 23|  6|  0| 256| 149| 9.93| 0.20|  8100|  9450|  4470|  4.04|  1995|  12570| 60:00|
  Most Kills (24):          Victorious, Krage
  Most Deaths (25):         LeClair
  Most Assists (16):        LeClair
  Most Flag Touches (97):   Beer Hunter
  Most Bell Flags (63):     Infinite~, Beer Hunter
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Victorious, Infinite~, LeClair, Krage, Beer Hunter, Bran Man, JURASSIC, Exar
  Most Battles (53):        Krage
  Best Ratio (1.78):        JURASSIC
  Best Play Rating (2.67):  JURASSIC
  Best Team Rating (1590):  Infinite~
  MVP (5090):               Victorious
  Bell    Flag Averages Everglaze: 9.9, Red Hawks: 9.7
  Overall Flag Averages Everglaze: 9.8, Red Hawks: 9.6
  Score Everglaze: 12570 - Red Hawks: 13830.  Red Hawks by 1260

Second game statistics (NORTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Bran Man            |F|   26|    21| 1.24|  7|  2|  0|  94|  42| 3.00| 0.00|  3900|  3150|  2540|  1.67|  1665|   6440| 20:00|
  |Seriel Killer       |F|   23|    20| 1.15| 11|  5|  0| 109|  76| 5.43| 0.00|  3450|  3000|  2540|  1.95|  3175|   5990| 20:00|
  |JURASSIC            |N|   19|    17| 1.12| 10|  0|  0| 124|  62| 4.43| 6.86|  2850|  2550|  2540|  8.57|  2375|   5390| 20:00|
  |Exar                |N|   15|    10| 1.50|  5|  5|  0| 124|  74| 5.29| 4.68|  2250|  1500|  2540|  7.18|  3485|   4790| 20:00|
  |Matioso             |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Gentleman           |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |LeClair             |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Victorious          |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 8|   83|    68| 1.22| 33| 12|  0| 451| 254|18.14| 0.36| 12450| 10200| 10160| 19.37| 10700|  22610| 80:00|
  |Victorious          |N|   22|    24| 0.92|  5|  0|  0| 114|  36| 2.57|10.47|  3300|  3600|  1940| 11.59|   365|   5240| 20:00|
  |LeClair             |N|   15|    15| 1.00|  0|  0|  0| 105|  38| 3.45| 3.24|  2250|  2250|  1600|  4.24|   845|   3850| 15:27|
  |Infinite~           |N|   12|    17| 0.71|  5|  0|  0| 117|  63| 4.50| 8.78|  1800|  2550|  1940|  9.78|  1455|   3740| 20:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |F|   16|    14| 1.14|  6|  0|  0|  51|  28| 3.11| 0.00|  2400|  2100|  1150|  1.57|   970|   3550| 12:17|
  |azn_masta_Fighter   |N|    2|    10| 0.20|  3|  1|  0|  48|  23| 4.60|11.04|   300|  1500|   790| 11.64|  -190|   1090|  7:41|
  |Matioso             |N|    1|     3| 0.33|  1|  0|  0|  12|   6| 3.00| 3.00|   150|   450|   330|  3.67|   -60|    480|  3:26|
  |Sever               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Bran Man            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Seriel Killer       |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Beer Hunter         |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Everglaze          |11|   68|    83| 0.82| 20|  1|  0| 447| 194|13.86| 0.28| 10200| 12450|  7750| 42.49|  3385|  17950| 78:51|
  Most Kills (26):          Bran Man
  Most Deaths (24):         Victorious
  Most Assists (16):        Seriel Killer
  Most Flag Touches (124):  JURASSIC, Exar
  Most Bell Flags (76):     Seriel Killer
  Flag Efficiency (11.04):  azn_masta_Fighter
  Most Battles (59):        Seriel Killer
  Best Ratio (1.50):        Exar
  Best Play Rating (11.64): azn_masta_Fighter
  Best Team Rating (3485):  Exar
  MVP (6440):               Bran Man
  Bell    Flag Averages Red Hawks: 18.1, Everglaze: 13.9
  Overall Flag Averages Red Hawks: 19.0, Everglaze: 12.2
  Score Red Hawks: 22610 - Everglaze: 17950.  Red Hawks by 4660
20:00GMT / 3pm EST RoughRiders vs LEGO

Code: Select all

Forfeit victory to LEGO.
Play-offs Week 1, 5th January 2014:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST Everglaze vs Red Hawks

Code: Select all

First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Krage               |F|   24|    21| 1.14| 10|  2|  0|  52|  38| 2.53| 0.00|  3600|  3150|  1710|  1.71|  1050|   5310| 20:00|
  |Beer Hunter         |F|   23|    14| 1.64|  7|  0|  0|  49|  27| 1.80| 0.00|  3450|  2100|  1710|  2.14|  1440|   5160| 20:00|
  |Seriel Killer       |F|   21|    17| 1.24| 13|  2|  1|  95| 106| 7.07| 0.00|  3150|  2550|  1710|  2.12|  3510|   4860| 20:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 3|   68|    52| 1.31| 30|  4|  1| 196| 171|11.40| 0.23| 10200|  7800|  5130|  5.97|  6000|  15330| 60:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |F|   21|    22| 0.95|  5|  0|  0|  83|  55| 3.67| 0.00|  3150|  3300|  1290|  1.18|   780|   4440| 20:00|
  |Matioso             |F|   18|    22| 0.82| 12|  0|  0|  75|  32| 2.13| 0.00|  2700|  3300|  1290|  1.36|    90|   3990| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |F|   13|    24| 0.54|  8|  7|  0|  49|  42| 2.80| 0.00|  1950|  3600|  1290|  1.17|  -300|   3240| 20:00|
  |Everglaze          | 3|   52|    68| 0.76| 25|  7|  0| 207| 129| 8.60| 0.17|  7800| 10200|  3870|  3.71|   570|  11670| 60:00|
  Most Kills (24):          Krage
  Most Deaths (24):         Infinite~
  Most Assists (15):        Seriel Killer, Infinite~
  Most TKs (1):             Seriel Killer
  Most Flag Touches (95):   Seriel Killer
  Most Bell Flags (106):    Seriel Killer
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Krage, Beer Hunter, Seriel Killer, Matioso, Infinite~, Pater Punishment
  Most Battles (57):        Krage
  Best Ratio (1.64):        Beer Hunter
  Best Play Rating (2.14):  Beer Hunter
  Best Team Rating (3510):  Seriel Killer
  MVP (5310):               Krage
  Bell    Flag Averages Red Hawks: 11.4, Everglaze: 8.6
  Overall Flag Averages Red Hawks: 11.9, Everglaze: 7.7
  Score Red Hawks: 15330 - Everglaze: 11670.  Red Hawks by 3660

Second game statistics (SOUTH):
|                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
|Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
|Infinite~           |F|   27|    14| 1.93|  6|  0|  0|  66|  21| 1.50| 4.01|  4050|  2100|  1940|  6.37|  1635|   5990| 20:00|
|Pater Punishment    |U|   15|    10| 1.50|  3|  0|  0| 177|  90| 6.43| 2.05|  2250|  1500|  1940|  3.85|  2910|   4190| 20:00|
|Matioso             |U|   14|    17| 0.82| 10|  0|  0| 149|  83| 5.93| 9.14|  2100|  2550|  1940| 10.55|  1860|   4040| 20:00|
|Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Sever               |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Bran Man            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Beer Hunter         |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Everglaze          | 7|   56|    41| 1.37| 19|  0|  0| 392| 194|13.86| 0.28|  8400|  6150|  5820| 20.77|  6405|  14220| 60:00|
|Seriel Killer       |U|   15|    15| 1.00|  5|  2|  0| 146|  62| 4.43| 3.74|  2250|  2250|  1420|  5.21|  1500|   3670| 20:00|
|Sever               |U|   13|    18| 0.72|  1|  0|  0| 152|  57| 4.07| 1.53|  1950|  2700|  1420|  2.31|   420|   3370| 20:00|
|Bran Man            |F|   12|    19| 0.63|  0|  4|  0|  62|  18| 1.80| 0.00|  1800|  2850|  1030|  0.84|  -870|   2830| 14:11|
|Beer Hunter         |U|    1|     4| 0.25|  2|  0|  0|  46|   5| 1.25| 0.44|   150|   600|   390|  1.19|  -255|    540|  5:48|
|Gentleman           |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
|Red Hawks          | 5|   41|    56| 0.73|  8|  6|  0| 406| 142|10.14| 0.20|  6150|  8400|  4260|  9.56|   795|  10410| 59:59|
Most Kills (27):          Infinite~
Most Deaths (19):         Bran Man
Most Assists (10):        Matioso
Most Flag Touches (177):  Pater Punishment
Most Bell Flags (90):     Pater Punishment
Flag Efficiency (9.14):   Matioso
Most Battles (47):        Infinite~
Best Ratio (1.93):        Infinite~
Best Play Rating (10.55): Matioso
Best Team Rating (2910):  Pater Punishment
MVP (5990):               Infinite~
Bell    Flag Averages Everglaze: 13.9, Red Hawks: 10.1
Overall Flag Averages Everglaze: 12.8, Red Hawks: 10.7
Score Everglaze: 14220 - Red Hawks: 10410.  Everglaze by 3810

Play-offs Week 2, 12th January 2014:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST Everglaze vs Red Hawks

Code: Select all

First game statistics (NORTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Pater Punishment    |F|   25|    21| 1.19|  5|  0|  0| 125|  41| 2.73| 0.00|  3750|  3150|  2510|  1.43|  1340|   6260| 20:00|
  |Matioso             |N|   24|    20| 1.20| 10|  0|  0| 183|  69| 4.60| 4.48|  3600|  3000|  2510|  6.18|  2730|   6110| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |N|   20|    15| 1.33|  5|  8|  0| 120|  50| 3.33| 9.09|  3000|  2250|  2510| 11.29|  2435|   5510| 20:00|
  |LeClair             |N|    7|    16| 0.44|  3|  0|  0| 133|  76| 6.91|28.72|  1050|  2400|  1880| 29.34|  1510|   2930| 15:01|
  |Victorious          |F|    6|     3| 2.00|  2|  0|  0|  31|  15| 3.75| 0.00|   900|   450|   630|  2.67|   870|   1530|  4:58|
  |Everglaze          | 5|   82|    75| 1.09| 25|  8|  0| 592| 251|16.73| 0.33| 12300| 11250| 10040| 50.90|  8885|  22340| 79:59|
  |Seriel Killer       |N|   22|    19| 1.16|  4|  3|  0| 126|  56| 3.73|29.40|  3300|  2850|  2290| 30.93|  2015|   5590| 20:00|
  |Bran Man            |F|   20|    23| 0.87|  5|  0|  0| 138|  47| 3.13| 0.00|  3000|  3450|  2290|  1.09|   755|   5290| 20:00|
  |JURASSIC            |N|   14|    25| 0.56|  6|  0|  0| 128|  44| 2.93| 3.75|  2100|  3750|  2290|  4.55|  -250|   4390| 20:00|
  |Noobius             |N|   15|     9| 1.67|  2|  4|  0| 138|  54| 4.91| 4.70|  2250|  1350|  1640|  7.04|  2655|   3890| 14:56|
  |Krage               |N|    4|     6| 0.67|  2|  0|  0|  41|  24| 6.00|15.38|   600|   900|   650| 16.38|   730|   1250|  5:03|
  |Red Hawks          | 5|   75|    82| 0.91| 19|  7|  0| 571| 225|15.00| 0.30| 11250| 12300|  9160| 59.98|  5905|  20410| 79:59|
  Most Kills (25):          Pater Punishment
  Most Deaths (25):         JURASSIC
  Most Assists (13):        Infinite~
  Most Flag Touches (183):  Matioso
  Most Bell Flags (76):     LeClair
  Flag Efficiency (29.40):  Seriel Killer
  Most Battles (54):        Matioso
  Best Ratio (2.00):        Victorious
  Best Play Rating (30.93): Seriel Killer
  Best Team Rating (2730):  Matioso
  MVP (6260):               Pater Punishment
  Bell    Flag Averages Red Hawks: 15.3, Everglaze: 16.7
  Overall Flag Averages Red Hawks: 16.4, Everglaze: 15.1
  Score Red Hawks: 20410 - Everglaze: 22340.  Everglaze by 1930

Second game statistics (WEST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Pater Punishment    |W|   18|    22| 0.82|  2|  0|  0| 112|  56| 3.73| 1.22|  2700|  3300|  1960|  2.13|   360|   4660| 20:00|
  |Matioso             |F|   17|    16| 1.06|  3|  0|  0| 178|  70| 4.67| 0.00|  2550|  2400|  1960|  1.25|  1620|   4510| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |F|   12|    11| 1.09|  4|  3|  0| 102|  70| 4.67| 0.00|  1800|  1650|  1960|  1.73|  2025|   3760| 20:00|
  |LeClair             |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Everglaze          | 4|   47|    49| 0.96|  9|  3|  0| 392| 196|13.07| 0.26|  7050|  7350|  5880|  5.11|  4005|  12930| 60:00|
  |Noobius             |W|   22|    15| 1.47|  5|  0|  0| 183|  45| 3.00|22.87|  3300|  2250|  1640| 24.67|  1635|   4940| 20:00|
  |Seriel Killer       |W|   13|    12| 1.08|  5|  0|  0| 104|  95| 6.33| 2.29|  1950|  1800|  1640|  3.79|  2640|   3590| 20:00|
  |Krage               |W|    9|    12| 0.75|  3|  7|  0|  52|  10| 1.11| 2.41|  1350|  1800|   970|  3.99|  -105|   2320| 11:22|
  |Beer Hunter         |F|    5|     8| 0.63|  1|  0|  0|  56|  14| 2.33| 0.00|   750|  1200|   670|  0.75|  -210|   1420|  8:37|
  |Bran Man            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Gurliver            |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Red Hawks          | 6|   49|    47| 1.04| 14|  7|  0| 395| 164|10.93| 0.22|  7350|  7050|  4920| 33.20|  3960|  12270| 59:59|
  Most Kills (22):          Noobius
  Most Deaths (22):         Pater Punishment
  Most Assists (10):        Krage
  Most Flag Touches (183):  Noobius
  Most Bell Flags (95):     Seriel Killer
  Flag Efficiency (22.87):  Noobius
  Most Battles (42):        Noobius, Pater Punishment
  Best Ratio (1.47):        Noobius
  Best Play Rating (24.67): Noobius
  Best Team Rating (2640):  Seriel Killer
  MVP (4940):               Noobius
  Bell    Flag Averages Red Hawks: 10.9, Everglaze: 13.1
  Overall Flag Averages Red Hawks: 11.9, Everglaze: 11.7
  Score Red Hawks: 12270 - Everglaze: 12930.  Everglaze by 660

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
Location: Finland

Re: Sector League scores

Post by Beer Hunter »

Finals Week 1, 19th January 2014:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST Left0vers vs Everglaze

Code: Select all

First game statistics (EAST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Locke               |F|   20|    14| 1.43|  8|  0|  0|  64|  66| 4.40| 0.00|  3000|  2100|  1850|  2.00|  2340|   4850| 20:00|
  |kokuten             |F|   19|     6| 3.17|  9|  0|  0|  54|  77| 5.13| 0.00|  2850|   900|  1850|  4.67|  3810|   4700| 20:00|
  |kingkong10          |F|   14|    12| 1.17|  3|  8|  0|  25|  42| 2.80| 0.00|  2100|  1800|  1850|  2.08|  1425|   3950| 20:00|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   53|    32| 1.66| 20|  8|  0| 143| 185|12.33| 0.25|  7950|  4800|  5550|  8.75|  7575|  13500| 60:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |F|   12|    15| 0.80|  3|  3|  0|  48|  36| 2.40| 0.00|  1800|  2250|  1150|  1.20|   360|   2950| 20:00|
  |Matioso             |F|   11|    21| 0.52| 10|  0|  0|  47|  35| 2.33| 0.00|  1650|  3150|  1150|  1.00|  -495|   2800| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |F|    9|    17| 0.53| 10|  0|  0|  40|  44| 2.93| 0.00|  1350|  2550|  1150|  1.12|   165|   2500| 20:00|
  |Everglaze          | 3|   32|    53| 0.60| 23|  3|  0| 135| 115| 7.67| 0.15|  4800|  7950|  3450|  3.32|    30|   8250| 60:00|
  Most Kills (20):          Locke
  Most Deaths (21):         Matioso
  Most Assists (11):        kingkong10
  Most Flag Touches (64):   Locke
  Most Bell Flags (77):     kokuten
  Flag Efficiency (0.00):   Locke, kingkong10, kokuten, Pater Punishment, Infinite~, Matioso
  Most Battles (42):        Locke, Matioso
  Best Ratio (3.17):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (4.67):  kokuten
  Best Team Rating (3810):  kokuten
  MVP (4850):               Locke
  Bell    Flag Averages Left0vers: 12.3, Everglaze: 7.7
  Overall Flag Averages Left0vers: 12.7, Everglaze: 7.0
  Score Left0vers: 13500 - Everglaze: 8250.  Left0vers by 5250

Second game statistics (SOUTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kokuten             |U|   34|     9| 3.78|  7|  0|  0|  93|  62| 4.13| 6.70|  5100|  1350|  1500| 11.26|  4355|   6600| 20:00|
  |kingkong10          |F|   20|    15| 1.33|  6| 13|  0|  95|  36| 2.40| 5.26|  3000|  2250|  1500|  7.86|  1785|   4500| 19:49|
  |Locke               |U|   12|    11| 1.09|  5|  0|  0| 118|  52| 3.71| 1.33|  1800|  1650|  1460|  2.87|  1395|   3260| 19:41|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   66|    35| 1.89| 18| 13|  0| 306| 150|10.00| 0.20|  9900|  5250|  4460| 22.00|  7535|  14360| 59:30|
  |Pater Punishment    |U|   14|    18| 0.78|  4|  0|  0|  99|  74| 4.93| 2.93|  2100|  2700|  2100|  3.93|  1170|   4200| 20:00|
  |Matioso             |U|   12|    21| 0.57|  5|  0|  0| 170| 113| 7.53| 4.74|  1800|  3150|  2100|  5.55|  1725|   3900| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |F|    9|    27| 0.33|  3|  2|  1|  51|  23| 1.53| 3.17|  1350|  4050|  2100|  3.69| -2190|   3450| 20:00|
  |Everglaze          | 3|   35|    66| 0.53| 12|  2|  1| 320| 210|14.00| 0.28|  5250|  9900|  6300| 13.17|   705|  11550| 60:00|
  Most Kills (34):          kokuten
  Most Deaths (27):         Infinite~
  Most Assists (19):        kingkong10
  Most TKs (1):             Infinite~
  Most Flag Touches (170):  Matioso
  Most Bell Flags (113):    Matioso
  Flag Efficiency (6.70):   kokuten
  Most Battles (54):        kingkong10
  Best Ratio (3.78):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (11.26): kokuten
  Best Team Rating (4355):  kokuten
  MVP (6600):               kokuten
  Bell    Flag Averages Everglaze: 14.0, Left0vers: 10.0
  Overall Flag Averages Everglaze: 11.5, Left0vers: 12.1
  Score Everglaze: 11550 - Left0vers: 14360.  Left0vers by 2810
Finals Week 2, 26th January 2014:

19:00GMT / 2pm EST Everglaze vs Left0vers

Code: Select all

First game statistics (NORTH):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |Matioso             |N|   27|    20| 1.35| 14|  0|  0| 104|  82| 5.86| 5.08|  4050|  3000|  2620|  7.13|  3745|   6670| 20:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |N|   19|    27| 0.70|  4|  0|  0| 102|  56| 4.00|102.00|  2850|  4050|  2620|102.85|   365|   5470| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |N|   18|    18| 1.00| 10|  6|  0|  84|  55| 3.93|13.75|  2700|  2700|  2620| 15.64|  2110|   5320| 20:00|
  |LeClair             |N|    9|    18| 0.50| 10|  0|  0| 142|  69| 4.93|15.91|  1350|  2700|  2620| 16.96|  1455|   3970| 20:00|
  |Everglaze          | 4|   73|    83| 0.88| 38|  6|  0| 432| 262|18.71| 0.37| 10950| 12450| 10480|142.58|  7675|  21430| 80:00|
  |kingkong10          |N|   26|    15| 1.73|  5|  3|  0| 132|  57| 4.07|33.59|  3900|  2250|  1860| 35.86|  3120|   5760| 20:00|
  |kokuten             |N|   21|    15| 1.40|  5|  2|  0| 119|  65| 4.64|34.53|  3150|  2250|  1860| 36.40|  2870|   5010| 20:00|
  |Tembest             |N|   19|    18| 1.06|  5|  6|  0|  55|  25| 1.79| 1.89|  2850|  2700|  1860|  3.56|   790|   4710| 20:00|
  |sounds              |N|   16|    19| 0.84|  5|  0|  0|  89|  23| 2.09| 2.33|  2400|  2850|  1340|  3.43|   -25|   3740| 15:47|
  |Eridu               |N|    1|     6| 0.17|  0|  0|  0|  31|  16| 5.33| 5.17|   150|   900|   520|  5.33|  -155|    670|  4:12|
  |Left0vers          | 5|   83|    73| 1.14| 20| 11|  0| 426| 186|13.29| 0.27| 12450| 10950|  7440| 84.57|  6600|  19890| 79:59|
  Most Kills (27):          Matioso
  Most Deaths (27):         Pater Punishment
  Most Assists (16):        Infinite~
  Most Flag Touches (142):  LeClair
  Most Bell Flags (82):     Matioso
  Flag Efficiency (102.00): Pater Punishment
  Most Battles (61):        Matioso
  Best Ratio (1.73):        kingkong10
  Best Play Rating (102.85): Pater Punishment
  Best Team Rating (3745):  Matioso
  MVP (6670):               Matioso
  Bell    Flag Averages Left0vers: 13.3, Everglaze: 18.7
  Overall Flag Averages Left0vers: 16.2, Everglaze: 15.3
  Score Left0vers: 19890 - Everglaze: 21430.  Everglaze by 1540

Second game statistics (WEST):
  |                   | P|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| As|EAs|TKs| FTs| BFs| Avg |Flag |Kill  |Death |Flag  |Play  |Team  | Total | Time |
  |Name               |  |     |      |     |   |   |   |    |    | BFs |Eff  |Points|Points|Points|Rating|Rating| Points|      |
  |kingkong10          |W|   35|    16| 2.19| 11|  0|  0| 107|  70| 4.67| 6.94|  5250|  2400|  1730|  9.81|  3870|   6980| 20:00|
  |kokuten             |W|   30|     9| 3.33| 14|  0|  0|  97|  59| 3.93| 7.95|  4500|  1350|  1730| 12.84|  4200|   6230| 20:00|
  |Tembest             |W|    9|     9| 1.00|  5|  4|  0|  83|  44| 2.93| 1.31|  1350|  1350|  1730|  3.31|  1320|   3080| 20:00|
  |Left0vers          | 3|   74|    34| 2.18| 30|  4|  0| 287| 173|11.53| 0.23| 11100|  5100|  5190| 25.96|  9390|  16290| 60:00|
  |Matioso             |F|   16|    24| 0.67|  2|  0|  0| 141|  61| 4.07| 0.00|  2400|  3600|  1830|  0.75|     0|   4230| 20:00|
  |Pater Punishment    |W|   12|    21| 0.57|  2|  0|  0|  93|  96| 6.40| 1.95|  1800|  3150|  1830|  2.61|  1080|   3630| 20:00|
  |Infinite~           |F|    6|    29| 0.21|  4|  3|  0|  57|  26| 1.73| 0.00|   900|  4350|  1830|  0.45| -2625|   2730| 20:00|
  |LeClair             |F|    0|     0| 0.00|  0|  0|  0|   0|   0| 0.00| 0.00|     0|     0|     0|  0.00|     0|      0|  0:00|
  |Everglaze          | 4|   34|    74| 0.46|  8|  3|  0| 291| 183|12.20| 0.24|  5100| 11100|  5490|  3.81| -1545|  10590| 60:00|
  Most Kills (35):          kingkong10
  Most Deaths (29):         Infinite~
  Most Assists (14):        kokuten
  Most Flag Touches (141):  Matioso
  Most Bell Flags (96):     Pater Punishment
  Flag Efficiency (7.95):   kokuten
  Most Battles (62):        kingkong10
  Best Ratio (3.33):        kokuten
  Best Play Rating (12.84): kokuten
  Best Team Rating (4200):  kokuten
  MVP (6980):               kingkong10
  Bell    Flag Averages Everglaze: 12.2, Left0vers: 11.5
  Overall Flag Averages Everglaze: 9.6, Left0vers: 13.9
  Score Everglaze: 10590 - Left0vers: 16290.  Left0vers by 5700

Beer Hunter
Posts: 552
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:29 pm
Location: Finland

Re: Sector League scores

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