Fake Forums Alert!

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Moderators: Beer Hunter, Tembest, Entr0py

Beer Hunter
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Fake Forums Alert!

Post by Beer Hunter »


There is a message spreading around DSB from player to player saying that DSB has new forums, however this is NOT true and DSB will not answer for any possible consequences you may have by joining the "Fake Forums". You've been warned.

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Re: Fake Forums Alert!

Post by Ssseth »

Strange... I don't think its possible to get any slower around here.
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Fly Swatter
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Re: Fake Forums Alert!

Post by Fly Swatter »

Its harmless. I would look into getting access to these forums for him, but its not a priority at this point.

Beer Hunter
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Re: Fake Forums Alert!

Post by Beer Hunter »

Fly Swatter wrote:Its harmless. I would look into getting access to these forums for him, but its not a priority at this point.
Harmless or not, we've not been involved in the project any possible way and can not guarantee it has no side-effects or the creator not having harmful intentions for the website or the information he can gather by getting players to register.

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Re: Fake Forums Alert!

Post by Ssseth »

No idea what you are taking about... But at the very leads make sure not to use the same password you might use anywhere else...
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein

Beer Hunter
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Re: Fake Forums Alert!

Post by Beer Hunter »

Ssseth wrote:No idea what you are taking about... But at the very leads make sure not to use the same password you might use anywhere else...
In short: a player has created alternative forums under his own domain/website and is marketing them as DSB Forums. Obviously it is up for the players to decide if they trust but it is also my duty as part of the Staff to ensure that players are being mislead as the forum has nothing to do with DSB and it was not created by DSB STAFF.

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Re: Fake Forums Alert!

Post by falconeer »

It's funny though, because with the forum I made when you register it e-mails you with: Deathstarbattle

But your own forums here, the e-mail header was Entropy. Lol

Anyway everyone knows I made the forums, and they know it's not the actual DSB forums. There is no way I can see passwords. I can only change someone's password. I can see e-mails, and IP Addresses. I already have half of DSBs e-mails from league.nu. Have tons of e-mails from the squads I created too. Nobody complained because I dont often e-mail anyone.

I didn't make the forum to undermine DSB or these forums, it's a gift. You guys are really bad at accepting gifts though. It's a new template. If you don't like the template I already said many times that you can tell me what you don't like and I will try to fix it. Why? Because I'm making the template for YOU. But not just for Beer Hunter, not for myself, But me, beer, and everyone else who plays. So beer your input is always welcome, but it's not the only input I will be listening too. If Beer you still despise and hate the template, well guess what? That's why it's a template. Templates can be uploaded as separate entities, which means you don't need to have it set as your default forum template. If you so choose you can have this template here as your default, and totally pretend and I didn't make a better one. Meanwhile everyone else who does like it will be free to select it and use it.

Since these forums aren't archived and you already lost 10 years of DSB posts. It wouldn't have mattered much if you moved forums to a forum where you actually have full access. So that was the second option I provided. I could easily give my account to someone, you can change the name, password, e-mail. And you'd have full access to a new fully functional, better featured DSB forum.

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Fly Swatter
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Re: Fake Forums Alert!

Post by Fly Swatter »

Over the years staff and developers alike have contributed then since left the community. Bot.dll's with no source, 3rd party servers without access, various pws, our dev group on yahoo, it goes on and on.

Asking our forum members to join yet another forum on yet another 3rd party server isn't going to happen. I would have informed falc not to waste his time had I known.

Blogger and Blogspot now have forum plugins, access and development is simple, staff can have co-owership with a click of the mouse. If and when the time comes to make a change to this aspect of our zone it should be one of these.


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Re: Fake Forums Alert!

Post by falconeer »

Without access to dev a template on these forums, I would have made the template on another forum regardless of anyone telling me not to waste my time. I consider it time well spent. Because it will take considerably less time to transfer that template over to this forum now since all the graphics are done and color codes, and css etc. (If I ever get the okay to do so). And at the same time I enjoy working on photoshop, and putting together forums, so it was actually a nice way to pass the time for me.

I wont let small things like access stop me from devving for a zone. This is why when I was banned from DSB I still worked on the New Deathstar map I was making. Similarly I could make a new DSB tileset without access to an arena, the arena just makes it faster, and easier for me and less of a pain.

Anyway fly Its great that you are understanding, and kind about it.

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Re: Fake Forums Alert!

Post by Ssseth »

Ahhhhhhhh, who else but Mr. Falconeer. Welcome back. For better or for worse I can say things were less... dull where you were around.

At this point I'm getting tired of talking to myself so I for one welcome the company. Just try and play nice this time, as nice as can be expected of course from a person who thrives on chaos. :P
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein

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