A Proposed Plan

General discussion

Moderators: Beer Hunter, Tembest, Entr0py

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Re: A Proposed Plan

Post by Ssseth »

I remember when I didn't know what frequency was, or how to attach. The year was 1999 I believe and Ministry22 taught me. The good ol' days with 100+ arenas and duel boxes in pub.

I'm still a n00b but at least I know the basics... although I dont know anything about buying with points. That wasn't around when I stopped playing actively... god that had to be 2004 or so... I feel old now.
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Re: A Proposed Plan

Post by Tembest »

Seth, I've been around and I don't have the slightest clue how buying with points work.
I hate the option to be able to buy ship upgrades, but that's just me.

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Re: A Proposed Plan

Post by Entr0py »

Fly - do you want phpmyadmin access to tie the new bot to the website database?

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Re: A Proposed Plan

Post by falconeer »

Let me go inactive 6-8 months. I don't think I should give anyone access to do anything. The zone is dead. What were you doing Ent? Pulling a Hoch? Might be dead to you and not worth your time, and better off dead. But other people still care and want to work on it. No one blames you for having a life, the issue is when you go AFK/MIA for months and tell Beer like the puppy dog he is to wait for you. Basically leaving no one in charge, no access. Fly should have had phpmyadmin from the time you realized you won't be logging in, even if he didn't ask for it.

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