Not sure what you're referring to here Nubb. I never said a word about how TCL was done.Nubby wrote:I love Delic to death and he would be a great 2nd choice imo but we he would need to start listening more like others have previously mentioned. Its not always your way or the highway buddy. (See Team Combat League). I still <3 you tho.
I made a map and was hoping I could organize a league based on the event, but they never
concretely offered me the coord spot even though it was mentioned. What TCL ended up
becoming was something completely different. I never complained about it though. If you think
me being away had something to do with that then you're mistaken. I haven't played any game
at all for like 6 months. I've had 3 new PS3 games for like 3 months that I still haven't opened yet.
As for listening... I made several modifications to the arena based on feedback.. and it wasn't
even completely finished yet.
Ok, clearly that was directed to me. I'm sorry, but I don't think you have the right to say that.Eridu wrote:I don't like the idea of giving the zone to any players that abandoned it. It would be completely stupid to give it to someone who spends there time elsewhere. Come back just because you have complete control now? Otherwise you could careless if it dies or not? please... Step up and learn how to work together.
I contributed actively for years, and DSB was the only zone I logged into for a long time even
after the fun died, even after all the people I enjoyed chatting with were long gone. In recent
months I haven't had time due to real life, but even then I took the time to contribute with a map,
and offered making more maps if needed, offered coordinating a league. I've contributed in times when
I didn't even agree with how things were being done.
The only reason I posted here was because I still think this zone can be revived. If someone else
can present a credible, thorough revival plan then I'd be happy to be a part of that and contribute
to it in whatever way that I feel would be efficient. I don't care about the "SubSpace power".
I already had it. It never got to me and it never will. I'm 25, I'm too old for that. If you think that I'd come
back just to have "complete control" then you're mistaken, and I'm sure you'd change your mind if you
got to know me and saw what I'm capable of. If I came back it would be strictly to put this zone back
on its feet again, because I really don't have time to mess around here anymore like I used to. And it
wouldn't be "giving" the zone away since the owner wouldn't change. It would be filling a position in
order to reach an objective. If you consider my inactivity "abandonment" and question my intentions
and hopes for this zone then you clearly just don't know me. Anyone who knows me could assure you
that I'm way too nerdy (in a way) for that. All I ever thought about for years, ever since population
started declining, was how to stabilize it and make it fun again. My numerous posts on the DSB Forums
throughout the years can attest to that. I've "stepped up" on numerous occasions. The intentions
were always there, but there has to be a solid strategy to go with our intentions. And to be honest,
I've never seen that here despite of all the good ideas and all the dev'ing. At the end of the day there
hasn't been any clear direction. It's like we've been rowing in circles.
So if I came back, it wouldn't be to waste my time philosophizing on what to do. I did that for plenty
of years already. If I came back it would be to either finalize a revival strategy or to become part of one.