Delic wrote:Hmmm ok Falconeer can't be sysop. He's way too emotional, unpredictable and just generally unstable.
I think he could be a great dev'er though. He's like some evil little genius monster. If controlled correctly, his capture could be a productive marvel for zone development! But if given too much power, lord knows what would happen.
Just think of me as Frodo, the_snake as Sam, and Falconeer as Gollum. Together, we can destroy the ring and bring peace back... or something like that.
That's why I voted for you. You don't take these petty arguments too seriously.
I'll admit that I do sometimes, but then, I don't want to be staff.
Please delete this account. I want nothing to do with this place any more.
Detector has made some good points when he trolls these forums.
You had me on steam for 1 year, but i was too busy to talk to a little kid who wanted me to play AVP with him and teach him the meaning of skill.
That 1 year was actually 1 week being friends on Steam, but I had to remove you for copy/pasting our conversation in Steam about SS, to SS forum without my permission. After you did that, I decided not to be friends with someone who does things like that. You would never beat me in AVP, a game you never played yet? I played in (V) - Vicious Malice (Best clan in AVP 2010). I'm still friends with the best players from that game and have practiced AVP 2010 with them in the past. I didn't win any leagues, since I never participated in AVP tournaments with (V) because their team was usually full. I see no point in you saying I would troll in here, since I would never do something as that.
I take petty arguments so seriously, that I even go around starting them..
In fact there hasn't been an argument on here I started, I'm just replying to all of you. Maybe if you had something better to do with your time than talk to me.
A log is a log is a log, half the conversation is mine, so I have a right to post it anywhere I want. Delic posted logs all the time, and even had his own thread. Detector you are just too sensitive. And actually it was a year.
falconeer wrote:A log is a log is a log, half the conversation is mine, so I have a right to post it anywhere I want.
That is only partly true and only applies in certain countries. For example, where I'm from you are not allowed to publish another
person's private email to you without his or her permission. Same goes for phone calls, and that I know for sure applies even in States.
The protection of privacy is huge for private persons in this world. You know you're not allowed to, for example, check out Sever's
public Facebook page and copy a picture from there to your own website?
Actually I studied copyright laws. You can take anyone's picture from facebook and post it anywhere and even make money off it. Even if it is a picture of you. Partly it depends on the websites policy. Facebooks fine print "might" say that any content uploaded can be freely used by them. Now I haven't read into facebook in awhile and they changed their policy a few times but that's besides the point. That being said you can copy anyone's picture use it, however if you are given a notice to take it down you usually have to comply. If you don't then the person has to sue you and it's up to the court to decide. This recently happened with some porn stars picture being posted on a dating site. She took them to court, however she doesn't have any case at all because she never asked them to take the image down first, she just immediately sued them. Trust me she won't win any money now, at most the court will order the picture be taken down. Take for example on Dr. Phil there was just an episode about a 12 year old pageant girls pictures being posted on a site and the mother wanted the owner to take the photo down. Legally there was no way she could get him to take it down, the police could not and would not do anything.
As for privacy in sane areas of the world, which usually excludes most American states, it is legal to record someone, as long as one person knows that they are being recorded. That means yourself. And therefore a woman can bring a recorder into work and prove her boss is sexually harassing her to the police. Next off, skype conversations for example automatically record the logs and save them to your computer. Internet providers pretty much do the same thing and if the government subpoenas them for the records they must give them up, in which case the idea of true privacy only exists when you are thinking things and not writing them out somewhere where someone can read them. By talking to me you already excluded your right to privacy, you make your thoughts public if only to me. Detector never said this is private, don't post it. It was basically him complaining about people knowing his squad password. There was no information there that could be construed as confidential. Also keep in mind that in real life, I see your face, and record it in my brain almost instantly, and thus I can recognize you in future encounters. This whole idea of entitlement to certain privacy stems from people being spoiled and living in a shit society. Yes from government you are entitled to privacy, so that they don't spy on you, invade your home, invade your life. Here is another example, you are allowed to be recorded through the window of your home, if you leave the window open. You are inviting people in. If you upload content on the internet then expect it not to be private. Again police helicopters are allowed to thermal image your house, and if the thermal levels are too high that is enough to get a search warrant to see if you are growing pot illegally. Any city which has a chopper flying over head, what do you think your privacy is? You are walking 12 am at night and a police chopper is watching your every move. This was also considered legal, you are walking in public, therefore you can be filmed. Filming in public is allowed with or without the persons consent.
And stop treating me like I was born yesterday. I know a lot about various things. Sometimes things you guys have no clue about. I just looked this up AFTER I posted, go find your own sources if this one isn't strong enough. Come throw the law book at me if you want. Just remember I live in Canada. So YOUR laws don't apply to me.