
General discussion

Moderators: Beer Hunter, Tembest, Entr0py

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Magnum Size
Posts: 44
Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:21 am


Post by Magnum Size »

Last week we peaked at 45 players each day on the weekend. We had pub going on while a practice match was being played. This hasn’t happened in several years. We had several showings from old dsb vets, such as Blazzin, Mozart, Seriel Killer, Saiyan, Matioso, Zenith, Zimmel and Emper to name a few. There were a couple brand new members to dsb that participated. Lastly, our Facebook group gained several older dsb players. Anyone remember Zildy??

Hope to see everyone Friday for our weekly DSB events – 19:00 GMT / 2pm EST (peak Euro time) & 23:00 GMT / 6pm EST (peak North American time).


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Re: Updates

Post by Ssseth »

Sweet. I need to set a calendar reminder or something. I keep forgetting!
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein

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